How do you get rid of imperfections when you have sensitive skin?

How do you get rid of imperfections when you have sensitive skin?

If you have sensitive skin and want to reduce or hide your imperfections, it's important to use products that are adapted to your skin's sensitivity, but are just as effective. Here are our top tips:

Choose non-irritating active ingredients

Products based on natural active ingredients tend to be gentler on the skin, reducing the risk of irritation. Some synthetic or harsh ingredients can cause adverse reactions, which can be a particular concern for people with sensitive skin. For example, you can use products enriched with bakuchiol, a plant-based alternative to retinol which is recognized for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It helps reduce blemishes and fades scars. You can also turn to niacinamide, which is anti-inflammatory and astringent. It rebalances sebum production and soothes the skin. Finally, lactic acid is an excellent ally for sensitive, blemish-prone skin. An active ingredient with strong regenerating properties, it gently exfoliates the skin and boosts cell renewal for a more even skin texture.

That's why we've designed a non-irritating, non-drying serum that's also suitable for sensitive, blemish-prone skin. Made with 95% natural ingredients, our Blemish Serum eliminates pimples, smoothes, mattifies and purifies the skin in just 28 days. It's the ideal product to integrate into your routine to say goodbye to all types of imperfections while keeping your skin soothed.

Deeply moisturize your skin

Deeply moisturizing the skin, even when it has imperfections, is essential, especially when using anti-acne treatments that can have drying effects. Indeed, certain treatments such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide-based products tend to dry out the skin. Moisturizing helps maintain the skin's moisture balance, preventing excessive dryness and calming the skin against possible irritation. Dehydrated skin can also react by producing more sebum to compensate for the loss of moisture. This can aggravate acne problems by clogging pores and encouraging the formation of pimples. Proper moisturizing can help regulate sebum production. Well-moisturized skin also tends to heal more effectively, minimizing the risk of scarring or residual marks left by blemishes.

When choosing a moisturizer for acne-prone skin, it's important to select non-comedogenic products, i.e. those that won't clog pores. Light formulas are often recommended to avoid adding excess sebum to the skin. For example, you can opt for moisturizing active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, jojoba oil or niacinamide.

Opt for a gentle facial massage

Sensitive skin with imperfections needs special attention when it comes to massage. In fact, a poorly performed facial massage can have the effect of accentuating skin irritation and discomfort. With this in mind, our facialists have devised a massage protocol using a reflexology stylus to work the acupressure points linked to the hormonal and digestive zones of the face. The aim? Reduce the inflammation that causes blemishes. You can find this protocol via the QR code on the packaging of our imperfections serum!

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