How to care for mature skin Appointment

How to care for mature skin Appointment

With age comes the process of cutaneous aging: skin loses its elasticity, becomes thinner and less firm, making it difficult to find a routine that meets all the needs of this new "mature" skin. How does skin age? From the age of 25-30, production of collagen - an essential protein that gives skin its elasticity - declines. This decline is estimated at around 1% per year, and has a direct impact on the skin's appearance. In addition, melanocyte production declines, making the skin more fragile in the face of external aggressions, notably exposure to UV rays. To slow down the aging process and take care of your skin at Appointment , it's essential to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

How to fight skin ageing naturally?


To delay skin ageing, start by taking care of your body Appointment ! It's recommended to drink between 1.5 and 2L of water a day to ensure proper cell function, and adequate water intake is the first step towards healthy skin. And why? Because dry skin is weaker and more fragile, whereas healthy, well-hydrated skin has a stronger production of collagen and elastin. 

Incorporating a sufficient dose of vitamin C (found mainly in citrus fruits) into your diet will also naturally stimulate collagen production.

Facial massage

Facial massage is certainly one of the most effective ways of taking care of your skin Appointment , and it's because we believe in the transformative power of massage that we' ve developed our Skin Studios. Why do we do this? By massaging your face every day for a few minutes and using the right gestures, you can drain tissues, relax muscles and stimulate the production of proteins essential to healthy skin (collagen, elastin, etc.). Incorporating a massage accessory into your routine will multiply the effects of massage tenfold and reach the deepest layers of the epidermis. The Gua Sha, for example, lifts the skin, while the Boulado is more effective at decongesting the face thanks to its palpating-draining movement.

Understanding your skin's needs

All skin types need hydration (water) and lipids (fats) to ensure they function properly. As skin ages, it becomes drier and requires oilier products to nourish it. Usinga rich-textured moisturizing cream is ideal for mature skin, as it not only nourishes the skin, but also provides the right amount of hydration.

We also recommend that you use a facial oil every evening after your usual Appointment to seal in moisture and prevent transepidermal water loss, while guaranteeing the daily supply of lipids the skin needs to function properly.

Bonus: The oil is ideal for self-massage of the face.

It's also important to protect your mature skin from UV rays by using sun protection every day. With age, the skin weakens and loses its natural ability to protect itself against external aggressions, so it's essential to incorporate SPF into your routine to avoid accelerating the skin's aging process.

Using the right active ingredients on your skin

For mature skin, it's important to use the right active ingredients to reinforce the skin's elasticity and firmness. We mainly recommend Hyaluronic Acid and Bakuchiol. Why these two active ingredients? Hyaluronic Acid is naturally present in the skin and can retain up to 1000 times its weight in water. It is very well tolerated by the skin, even sensitive skin, and penetrates deeply to moisturize and plump. You can use it as a serum, mask or booster, and mix it safely with other active ingredients.

Bakuchiol is a natural alternative to Retinol, which is increasingly used in anti-aging cosmetics. It has the same advantages as Retinol, but without the drawbacks. Retinol can be irritating and abrasive for some skin types, making it unsuitable for everyone. It is also contraindicated to mix it with other active ingredients to avoid skin lesions. Bakuchiol, on the other hand, is suitable even for sensitive skin, helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while boosting collagen production.

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