What is light therapy?

What is light therapy?

While prolonged exposure to the sun is not recommended for the skin due to the presence of UVA and UVB rays, daily exposure to daylight is recommended for good health. In the early 20th century, Ryberg Finsen, a doctor from Denmark, was awarded the Noel Prize for Medicine for his research into the effect of light exposure on disease.

Long forgotten, light therapy resurfaced at the beginning of the 21st century as an almost miraculous remedy for seasonal depression. Indeed, light therapy has been proven to restore the circadian rhythm (more commonly known as the biological clock), improving the body's ability to produce melatonin (the sleep clock) and rebalancing the body.

So what are the benefits of light on the skin?

Light therapy involves exposing yourself to light for a few dozen minutes under a specially designed lamp. Each color of light has its own specific benefits, and depending on its wavelength, it can penetrate the skin to different depths and act on specific cells.

Red light: This penetrates skin tissue and activates collagen and elastin production. It has an anti-aging and anti-inflammatory action and is ideally suited to tired or irritated skin.
Blue light: the most talked-about of all, it is known for its anti-bacterial and healing properties, and is ideal for skin with imperfections.

Yellow light: the ideal color to improve blood circulation and reduce redness for radiant, soothed skin.

When should I use light therapy ?

Dès que vous en ressentez le besoin. Chez Seasonly, nous recommandons d’effectuer une cure de 6 à 10 séances de luminothérapie, une à deux fois par an, en privilégiant les périodes pendant lesquelles votre peau à le plus besoin de lumière comme l’hiver par exemple. La luminothérapie est idéale pour les personnes souffrant de problématiques de peau comme l’acné mais elle permet également de repousser l’apparition des signes de l’âge en complément d’une routine adaptée.

Where can I go for a light therapy session?

In our Lune and Passy studios from March 24, on request by calling our Skin Studio directly or booking on our website. A Appointment light therapy session is available on its own or in conjunction with a facial massage. You can also discover our Appointment one-hour Spring Glow including a light therapy session.

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