Argireline: The revolutionary new botox-like anti-aging active ingredient

Argireline: The revolutionary new botox-like anti-aging active ingredient

Research in the field of anti-aging skincare is constantly evolving, and in recent years natural and topical alternatives to injections have proliferated on the market. One of the active ingredients that's been making more and more headlines of late? Argireline, an innovative "botox-like" ingredient found in anti-ageing serums and oils, but what are its virtues?


What is Argireline?

Argireline, also known by its scientific name Acetyl Hexapeptide-8, is a synthetic peptide. Peptides are chains of amino acids that are the building blocks of proteins in our skin, such as collagen. Argireline is often described as a non-invasive alternative to Botox (1) and can be found with other natural active ingredients in "Botox-like" complexes, due to its ability to relax facial muscles and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


How does Argireline work on wrinkles?

Like Botox, Argireline relaxes the muscles under the skin, minimizing the appearance of wrinkles and giving the skin a smoother, more youthful appearance. According to a study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science, Argireline can reduce wrinkle depth by up to 30% after 30 days of use (2).

On the other hand, while Botox is generally administered by injections, Argireline is often used as a serum or cream and applied topically. This makes Argireline more accessible and less invasive. What's more, unlike Botox, which paralyzes muscles, Argireline acts in a more subtle way, simply reducing muscle contraction (3).


How do you incorporate Argireline into your routine?

We recommend using an oil or cream enriched with argireline and combining its application with a few minutes of facial massage to deeply relax muscles and boost collagen production, helping to delay the appearance of the signs of skin ageing. Massage your face every evening, from the inside to the outside and from the bottom to the top, using your fingertips or a massage accessory such as the Gua Sha.


(1) Blanes-Mira, C., Clemente, J., Jodas, G., Gil, A., Fernández-Ballester, G., Ponsati, B., ... & Pérez-Payá, E. (2002). A synthetic hexapeptide (Argireline) with antiwrinkle activity. International journal of cosmetic science, 24(5), 303-310.

(2) Wang, Y., Wang, M., Xiao, S., Pan, P., Li, P., & Huo, J. (2013). The anti-wrinkle efficacy of argireline, a synthetic hexapeptide, in Chinese subjects: a randomized, placebo-controlled study. Journal of cosmetic and laser therapy, 15(2), 74-79.

(3) Borboni, P., & Porzio, S. (2014). Cosmeceuticals peptides. Dermatology: From Pathogenesis to Treatment, 153-164.

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