Genuine rose quartz rollerball

The benefits of semi-precious stones

At first glance, taking Appointment of oneself through stones may seem at best zany, and at worst a veritable regression to the witching age. And yet, it's a method that's gaining more and more followers, particularly in California, where the curious are flocking to lithotherapy (crystal therapy) stores. 

Semiprecious stones are said to have powers specific to each type of stone, which, when worn directly on the skin, can treat certain skin conditions: irritation, wrinkles, spots, eczema, etc.

Whether you believe in them or not, here's a look at some of the most popular stones.


Perfect for purifying the skin. If your skin produces too much sebum or is a little "clogged", you know which stone to turn to. 



It is highly effective against the small pimples of juvenile acne. Not to be confused with hormonal acne, which appears at any age.


It has an anti-aging action that helps skin regenerate. 



A symbol of purity, jade frees the skin from accumulated stress and/or toxins that can lead to minor imperfections. 


As well as being very pretty, this is a very feminine stone that regulates hormonal discomfort due to cycles. Perfect for managing all the changes the skin can undergo during menstruation.

Rose quartz

Quite complete, this stone has it all. It activates micro-circulation and soothes inflammation. That's why we chose it for our
quartz rollerUse it every day to drain lymph and get an increasingly radiant face.

How do I use them? 


While some go so far as to place them directly on their faces, most wear them as jewelry. Good to know: to "recharge" a stone's power, leave it in the sun or under the moon's rays. 


Alternatively, you can simply use our quartz roller. It's less trouble and just as effective. 

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