Why massage your body with a Gua Sha?

Why massage your body with a Gua Sha?

What if you could transform your body with Gua Sha? Indeed, in recent years we've heard a lot about the benefits of Gua Sha massage for the face: it lifts the skin, sculpts the features and helps decongest the face by draining lymph to the lymph nodes, but we still don't talk much about all the things Gua Sha massage can do for the body.

Why use a Gua Sha on the body?

Gua Sha, designed to stimulate blood circulation, relax muscles and promote healing, can be used on the face as well as the body. For example, when used on the legs, it helps reduce pain and inflammation. By stimulating blood and lymph circulation, Gua Sha can also help eliminate toxins from the body. We recommend using Gua Sha for people suffering from swelling in the lower limbs, as this tool will drain fluids to the lymph nodes located in the groin area.

Which body oil should I use?

We recommend using an oil with a fine texture to facilitate body massage. If possible, choose one rich in antioxidants and with a non-greasy finish to keep your skin comfortable. Our multi-purpose Every Season Oil is ideal for self-massage and, thanks to its concentration of antioxidants, helps combat skin ageing. You can also opt for pure jojoba oil or argan oil, both of which are perfect for use on the body.

How to massage the body with a Gua Sha?

Choose a suitable Gua Sha that's not too thin and whose shape is designed for body massage, such as our jade or quartz Gua Sha. Always apply an oil or lotion to allow the Gua Sha to glide easily over the skin. Slide the tool along your muscles, following the direction of blood circulation, from the lower leg to the groin.

The key to Gua Sha's effectiveness lies in regularity. So, by practicing this technique regularly, you'll maximize its benefits and gradually see an improvement in the texture and health of your skin. For optimum results, we recommend one 10-minute Gua Sha massage session a day, morning or evening, as you prefer. You can incorporate it into your daily skincare routine, just after applying your body oil.

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