How do you cleanse your face when you have sensitive skin?

How do you cleanse your face when you have sensitive skin?

Sensitive skin requires special attention when it comes to cleansing and make-up removal. External aggressors, unsuitable products and even make-up can cause irritation and unwanted reactions: tight skin, redness... why not opt for a skin-friendly routine?


What is sensitive skin?

People with sensitive skin have a more fragile skin barrier, making them more likely to react to irritants and allergens. Common signs of sensitive skin include redness, dryness, itching and a feeling of tightness.


Use a cleansing oil

Exit les eaux micellaires et l’utilisation de coton qui altèrent le film hydrolipidique de la peau, pour se démaquiller et débarrasser la peau des impuretés en douceur, on opte pour une huile démaquillante. L’huile démaquillante Seasonly a été spécialement formulée pour les peaux sensibles, grâce à la présence dans sa composition d’huile de Calendula, de Carthame et de Coco, elle apaise les peaux irritées, nourrit et protège la peau de la déshydratation en renforçant son film hydrolipidique.


The little extra? Its texture transforms into milk on contact with water, enabling gentle make-up removal without the need for cotton pads or wipes. Simply apply in circular movements to a damp face to remove make-up and impurities.


Opt for double cleaning

For those days when your pores seem clogged (heavy make-up, heat, humidity), we recommend a double cleanse, a technique that combines a cleansing oil with a gentle facial cleanser to deeply cleanse the skin without damaging it.

Enrichie en Calendula, la Gelée Nettoyante Seasonly permet de purifier la peau en douceur, il vous suffira d’utiliser une noisette de produit pour nettoyer le visage.

The little extra? Soothing ingredients that leave skin feeling comfortable.

And after cleaning, what's next? 

If your skin is particularly irritated or overheated, it's best to leave it alone as much as possible and return to an extremely minimalist routine. For example, after cleansing, if you don't necessarily need to apply cream, opt for a few drops of plant oils, preferably suitable for sensitive skin. Vegetable oils will provide your skin with the nutrients it needs and, above all, it's the texture that will be the most comfortable to avoid creating new tightness.  

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