Skin and summer

Skin and summer

Often described as an "extreme" season, summer can sometimes put our skin to the test. As temperatures rise, the skin loses more water, sebum becomes thinner and pigmentation spots can appear. However, it's also the season that gives us a healthy glow by depositing a light tan on the skin, so let's decipher together what the effects of this season are. Our aim? To give you our advice on how to adapt your routine for this season. 


What are the effects of summer on the skin? What habits should you adopt? 

With the arrival of warmer weather, we tend to expose ourselves more to the sun to get a healthy glow. This is where we need to be careful, as prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to sunburn, brown spots and even burns... Not to mention the fact that the sun is unfortunately the main cause of premature skin aging. So it's essential to protect yourself by regularly using a broad-spectrum sunscreen, avoiding the sun during the hottest hours of the day.

With high temperatures and exposure to the sun, the skin rapidly becomes dehydrated as it loses a great deal of water throughout the day. This can manifest itself in dry, itchy skin and an increase in fine lines and wrinkles (lacking water, skin marks much more quickly). We therefore recommend that you incorporate ultra-moisturizing ingredients into your routine (we'll tell you all about it below!). And don't forget to drink enough water throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated.

In summer, sebum becomes thinner as we tend to perspire more. However, this excessive perspiration can clog the skin's pores, encouraging the appearance of pimples, acne and other skin problems. We therefore recommend double cleansing in the evening, to eliminate all the impurities accumulated throughout the day (even more so when you've been applying sunscreen all day).

Even if you're careful when you go out in the sun, the sun can still cause excessive melanin production, which can lead to hyperpigmentation of the skin, manifested by the appearance of brown spots or freckles. As mentioned above, the first thing to do is of course to protect your skin from the sun, but if spots do appear, look for anti-spot active ingredients or exfoliants that will give your skin a new look.

Pour prévenir ce phénomène, on vous conseille d'utiliser notre Huile Tan Boost comme préparateur solaire. Grâce à ses actifs, elle prépare la peau au soleil et surtout réparti uniformément la production de mélanine afin d'éviter que des taches apparaissent pendant l'exposition. Elle vous donnera le teint hâlé et prolongera votre bronzage.  

    Our recommendation: the perfect summer routine 

    Morning :

    Step 1: A spray of thermal spring water or floral water to refresh the skin without necessarily cleansing or aggressing it first thing in the morning,

    Step 2: Our anti-thirst serum to simultaneously moisturize, maintain the right level of hydration and ensure water distribution in the skin. Enriched with acacia seeds, a biomimetic active ingredient, this ultra-light serum plumps skin in just one application.

    Step 3: Our fluid cream with a few drops of moisturizing booster for a hydration boost. The cream, formulated with a natural form of Vitamin C, provides antioxidant protection for the skin.

    Step 4: Apply your sunscreen. And if you ever want an even lighter routine, you can skip this step directly after the serum. However, you're not guaranteed the same level of comfort throughout the day due to water loss. 

    Evening :

    Step 1: A double cleansing is highly recommended, using the cleansing oil and cleansing gel to remove all residues of sunscreen, make-up, sebum, dust, etc...

    Step 2: This is not a daily step, but possibly a weekly one. If you feel that your skin is completely dehydrated, or if you feel overheated after exposure to the sun, we recommend you apply our moisturizing mask. With its formula enriched with high- and low-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid, it both deeply moisturizes and plumps the surface for a feeling of comfort. If you see spots appearing instead, we recommend chemical exfoliation with the new skin mask. Its patented active ingredient brightens the complexion while plant oils repair the skin.

    Step 3: Again anti-thirst serum to rehydrate the skin after a long day.

    Step 4: Our fluid cream - if your skin is particularly dehydrated and you feel that it is pulling, that your features are more marked, then you can also add a few drops of the moisturizing booster for a hydration boost.

    Étape 5 : Quelques gouttes de l'Huile Tan Boost pour scelller l'hydratation et empêcher l'eau de s'évaporer de votre peau la nuit. Enrichie en Thalitan et Karanja, elle prend soin de la peau après le soleil et prolonge votre bronzage. 

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