Why make-up removal is the most important part of your routine

Why make-up removal is the most important part of your routine

Cleansing your skin properly is key, as it allows your skin to breathe after a long day spent tackling make-up, wind, rain, pollution, etc., and better prepares it to receive the active ingredients and benefits of your evening routine. It's a bit like the Reset Button for your skin!

Clean skin ages more slowly

Becausebeautiful skin starts with clean skin. When we sleep, our skin reaches its peak of cellular regeneration - the moment when it activates its repair functions. Going to bed with skin still clogged with the impurities accumulated during the day can have an occlusive effect: the skin becomes inflamed and you run the risk of encountering a few inconveniences (imperfections, pimples). Clogged, it will also have difficulty in regenerating itself, making it more vulnerable to the signs of aging.

So what is effective make-up removal?

Chez Seasonly, on pense qu’un démaquillage efficace commence d'abord par une huile démaquillante qui permettra d'éliminer tous les résidus lipophiles (maquillage, SPF, sébum, pollution, etc...). C'est pour cela que nous avons imaginé notre huile démaquillante ; une huile légère qui fait fondre toutes les impuretés, puis se transforme en lait au contact de l’eau pour un rinçage facile.

Why oil? Firstly, because "fat eliminates fat". Sebum, make-up and pollution are all "greasy substances" that only a cleansing oil can truly dissolve and eliminate. Secondly, because an oil is much gentler than a micellar water. It is suitable for all skin types, as it cleanses without stripping or damaging the hydrolipidic film.

Our tip? Take advantage of your make-up removal with oil to massage your skin - either with the massage accessory of your choice, or directly with your hands. If you feel like it, this will save you a few minutes in your evening routine. 

Make-up removal then continues with a cleansing gel to remove the last impurities, this time hydrophilic (perspiration, dust, etc.). This step completes cleansing and unclogs pores.


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