What are the benefits of AHAs for the skin?

A few months ago, we explained the difference between AHAs and BHAs, the sometimes hard-to-understand acronyms that have invaded our bathroom...

Dehydration? Tightness, discomfort? Deeply moisturize your skin with this customized routine to deliver a wave of moisture.

Why choose the dehydrated skin routine?

Perte d’eau transépidermique ou barrière cutanée endommagée, nombreux sont les facteurs à l’origine de la déshydratation. Et comme on est tous déjà passé par là,...

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Wrinkles and fine lines? Crow's feet, frown lines? Discover a tailor-made routine designed to stimulate collagen production, smooth fine lines and wrinkles and firm skin texture.

Why choose the first wrinkles routine?

Pattes d’oie, rides du lion ou sillons naso-géniens marqués, on fait tous face au vieillissement cutané. C’est donc pour cette raison qu’on soigneusement composé une...

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Dull complexion? Lacking radiance? Restore a luminous complexion with the dull complexion routine from Seasonly

Why choose a dull complexion routine?

Fatigue, stress, variations climatiques … Les raisons du teint terne sont nombreuses. Et comme on est tous déjà passé par là, on a voulu composer...

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The forehead is the largest area of your face: forehead wrinkles, frown lines, imperfections, the forehead is subject to many changes. Discover the specific needs of this area and how to meet them for a smooth, fine skin texture.
imperfections rides-et-ridules

The forehead, wrinkles and imperfections

Le front est une des zones les plus visibles du visage : c’est là que nos expressions se forment, entre surprise, bonheur et colère. Mais...

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Dark circles and puffiness under the eyes: how to reduce, erase or diminish them? Learn about the factors behind dark circles and understand what you need to do to really combat them.
hyperpigmentation teint-terne

Recognizing your dark circles

Le contour des yeux est une zone sensible où la peau est la plus fine et plus fragile de tout le visage : c’est autour des yeux...

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How do I tighten enlarged pores? Learn more about the causes of dilated pores and which solutions are effective for a tightened pore and smooth skin texture.

Tighten dilated pores

Vitaux pour la santé de notre peau, les pores nous font pourtant la vie dure : ils accumulent sébum et impuretés et ont facilement l’air...

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Don't know what to do about your acne scars? Do you have dark spots after a pimple? Find out in this article what habits and ingredients to adopt to finally regain a smooth, even skin texture.
cicatrices hyperpigmentation imperfections

Scars, hyperpigmentation and acne

Que l’acné en soit la raison ou non, on a tous déjà eu affaire à une cicatrice. En relief, sombre ou marque rouge, ce traumatisme...

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Why is vitamin E found in so many cosmetic products? Essential to the functioning of your body, vitamin E is vital for its antioxidant, anti-aging, moisturizing and preserving action.

Vitamin E

Produite par notre corps, on retrouve aussi la vitamine E dans notre alimentation et nos cosmétiques. Aussi appelée tocophérol, elle a un rôle primordial pour...

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How to get plumpy skin? Getting plump, youthful skin doesn't come without work: hydration, collagen, peptides, bakuchiol or vitamin C, find out which ingredients and practices are needed to get plump skin.
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How can I get plump skin?

Quand on dit “plumpy”, on pense collagène, peptides, hydratation … Mais que veut dire le terme “plumpy” en cosmétiques ? Pourquoi est-ce souvent un de...

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