Our facialists' routine EP.2: Roxana

Our facialists' routine EP.2: Roxana

 Nos facialistes expertes de la gym du visage transforment votre peau dans nos Skin Studios ainsi que dans une sélection de magasins Sephora à travers l’Europe, mais connaissez-vous vraiment ce métier dont tout le monde parle en ce moment ? Aujourd’hui nous vous présentons Roxana, facialiste chez Seasonly depuis la création de la marque, elle nous parle de sa formation et de sa passion pour le facialisme et le bien-être.

Roxana, can you tell us about your background?

I was lucky enough to grow up surrounded by people who were passionate about the body and well-being. My aunt was a beautician, so I could see her looking after customers and taking care of Appointment them, and my uncle was a dermatologist, so I was brought up in this world. I began my training with a Massage Therapist diploma in the United States, which enabled me to specialize in deep tissue and specific techniques such as Swedish massage.

When I returned to France, I opted for a CAP in aesthetics, and I've done a lot of body massages, even water massages, and for the last six years I've only done facials. What I love about my job is sharing my energy, releasing tension and taking care of people Appointment . I love the idea of being able to sublimate each person's skin and enable them to spend a pleasant moment in their week... to share my passion and d'to share my passion and explain to each person the benefits of taking time for themselves.

Pourquoi avoir rejoint seasonly ?

J’ai voulu rejoindre Seasonly pour faire partie de cette famille qui grandit. Ce qui m’a attirée, c’est l’expertise et l’effet « avant-après » bluffant des massages, même en seulement 30 minutes. On masse la peau en profondeur avec des gestes dynamiques qui changent vraiment le visage et ce que j’aime tout particulièrement, c’est de voir les résultats après chaque séance sur mes clients.

What do you do on a daily basis to take care of your skin? Appointment

I cleanse my face morning and night with Vitamin E face soap and I love the results on my skin, my complexion is really brighter.

My routine also includes the Anti-Grisaille serum , which I use morning and night, massaging my face with toning gestures to wake up my muscles and boost cell renewal, always from the inside out and from the bottom up.

And don't forget the anti-ageing lifting cream, which smoothes out my features and makes my fine lines disappear - it's an absolute must for me!

Quel est ton produit préféré chez Seasonly ?

Without hesitation, the Gua Sha. I also use it on my legs, as I do a lot of running, so I can massage and relax my muscles.

What's next for you?

La formation ! J’adore transmettre mon savoir-faire et mon expérience en ajoutant ma petite touche personnelle. Je participe à la création des soins saisonniers Seasonly, à la mise en place des protocoles et je partage toutes ces connaissances aux facialistes qui travaillent dans nos Skin Studios et dans nos Face Glow Bars Sephora.

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