How to avoid chapped lips in winter?

How to avoid chapped lips in winter?

In winter, temperatures plummet, humidity drops and lips dry out at breakneck speed! They become rough and tight, and can even peel and bleed. So how do you keep your lips supple, soft and moisturized, even in winter? We've scanned all the content out there to gather 5 dermatologist tips for taking care of your lips Appointment .

Why do lips get chapped? 

The lips are a special zone: their skin is 5 times thinner than that of the rest of the body, and they have neither sebaceous nor sweat glands. 

As a reminder, these are the glands that produce sebum and contribute to the hydrolipidic film: the lipids on the surface of the skin barrier form a protective barrier that slows dehydration. Without this protection, lips dry out much faster than the rest of the body.

A second reason would be exposure of the lips to external factors. Think about it: food, tobacco, alcohol, wind, cold, etc. Our lips face constantly changing environments - food can be highly acidic like lemons, smoking has been known to dry out lips, etc.... 

With all these factors, lips can become chapped and cracked very quickly. 

5 tips from dermatologists on how to use it Appointment  

  1. The first habit to break is licking your lips on a regular basis, in the belief that it will make things better. Saliva is slightly acidic and, while it may provide momentary comfort, it takes with it the little moisture present in the lips. Dermatologists explain this phenomenon by the fact that saliva contains a drying enzyme. A reflex to lose!

  2. It's also related to saliva... We don't pluck off our dead skin and we avoid biting our lips. Dermatologist Dr. Piliang stresses, "It's best not to rub your lips or remove peeling skin with your teeth or fingers." She points out that, unfortunately, this can lead to cracks and even sores that are more difficult to treat. In addition, some dermatologists recommend using lip products that contain gentle exfoliating acids, to avoid mechanical scrubs that are often too aggressive. Choose active ingredients such as PHAs or AHAs, precisely dosed to gently remove dead skin cells. 

  3. Choose night products that act as a mask for deep repair. Look for rich active ingredients or plant oils that can form a protective film on your lips at night, which like your skin, lose a great deal of water while you sleep. Dr Tomassian (founder of The Dermatology Collective in Los Angeles) recommends the use of high concentrations of squalane, as "this active ingredient moisturizes lips wonderfully".

  4. Cleanse your lips properly! Yes, we tend to forget it, but with or without make-up, it's important to take lip cleansing into account. Just like the skin, they accumulate dust, pollution, impurities, etc. throughout the day. And they dry out even more if you've used lipstick, for example. So we make a point of removing make-up with oil and avoiding potentially drying formulas such as micellar water. Which, what's more, force us to rub our lips harder to remove make-up cleanly.

  5. We reapply lip balm generously and regularly throughout the day to protect lips from external aggressors, and in particular from extreme temperature variations. Nina Roos, dermatologist in Paris, stresses the importance of "nourishing and repairing lip skin." She recommends using a lip balm or lip butter and applying it at least three times a day. And if you're ever on vacation in the mountains or somewhere very sunny, a lip balm with SPF is preferable. Lips are extremely fragile and risk being damaged even more quickly by UV rays. 

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