
What can be done about hyperpigmentation?

Age spots are often associated with skin aging. From the age of 30 to 35, many women are prone to them. While age is indeed a determining factor, it is not the only cause. UV rays, for example, are among the main factors responsible for hyperpigmentation. As you may have noticed, it's often during the summer months that pigmentation spots appear (on the face, neck, décolleté and hands in general). As the tan disappears, they become more visible. Other causes of pigmentation spots include hormonal imbalances (or pregnancy), stress, skin inflammation, acne scars, etc... 


But where does hyperpigmentation come from? It's a reaction linked to melanin production. By defending themselves against external aggressions (such as UV rays), the cells responsible for skin pigmentation synthesize melanin. This reaction causes a change in the normal color of the skin, known as a pigmentation spot. A spot can be hyperpigmented (brown, red, pink) or hypopigmented (white). Here's our advice on how best to prevent and treat pigmentation spots.

1. Protect yourself to prevent hyperpigmentation

The best way to prevent the appearance of dark spots is always to use appropriate sun protection. The more you expose yourself to the sun without proper protection, the greater the risk that your melanocytes will rise to the skin's surface and cause hyperpigmentation. This advice doesn't just apply to the summer: make sure you use a day cream with at least SPF 30 all year round, as this actively slows down skin ageing. 

2. Cleanse and exfoliate your skin

Cleansing your skin every day is essential, as it will have an effect on the evenness of your complexion and the regularity of your skin texture. We adopt the double cleansing starting withoil make-up remover to rid the skin of all impurities accumulated during the day, including residues of sunscreens, makeup, sebum, etc. To complete the cleansing, use the cleansing jelly. Its aqueous base will dissolve all remaining residues, such as perspiration and dust. You can also use our anti-gray peeling mask to treat pigmentation spots (acne scars, for example). This enzymatic peel, enriched with lactic acid and glycolic acid (our guide to exfoliating acids here), will exfoliate the skin without damaging it, to promote cell renewal.

Double cleaning

3. Apply targeted, appropriate care

It may seem obvious, but it's not! When these spots appear, you need to adapt your routine by choosing products containing specific active ingredients. Vitamin C, for example, is one of the best-known active ingredients for combating hyperpigmentation. However, it should not be over-concentrated in the formula, as this could irritate the skin. You can also incorporate exfoliating acids into your routine to help even out skin tone.

4. Use complementary treatments such as light therapy

Light therapy is an effective complementary Appointment treatment for hyperpigmentation, particularly acne scars. Red light stimulates collagen production and helps even out skin tone, gradually erasing scars. You can book your Appointment Spring Booster in one of our Skin Studios to discover photobiomodulation. We have created this Appointment in partnership with beauty tech brand Nooance to help you discover the power of light combined with our massage techniques.

Spring Booster in partnership with Nooance

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