Smooth out fine lines and wrinkles with facial gymnastics. Discover self-massage movements for areas of your face such as crow's feet or frown lines.

Wrinkles and facial gymnastics

Although the skin naturally produces collagen and elastin, it begins to lose 1% each year from the age of 25 onwards. It then gradually loses its firmness and volume. skin aging. Over time, the muscles tend to atrophy, making the skin appear less taut. What's more, as they contract every day, they are the source of the first expression lines. But don't panic: even if this process is completely normal, there's a great solution for prevention and treatment: facial gymnastics. In the same way that sport keeps us healthy, facial gymnastics takes Appointment the 50 muscles of the face and neck.

Target areas  

The natural aging process appears first in certain areas:
- Wrinkles in the outer corner of the eyes, also known as crow's feet,
- Marked wrinkles and folds between the two eyebrows like a frown, also known as the lion's wrinkle,
- Wrinkles and indentation of the skin from the corner of the lips to the wings of the nose, also known as nasolabial folds,
- Loss of firmness in the oval of the face, making the features appear less defined. 


Each area of the face requiresspecific massage techniques and accessories . The main principle of facial gym wrinkle smoothing is to move in the opposite direction to the wrinkle. For forehead wrinkles, for example, you need to make a vertical, back-and-forth movement to smooth out horizontal wrinkles. 

It's often advisable to do a facial in the evening, either as part of your make-up removal routine or as the last step in your routine. The advantage of doing it in the evening is that it boosts skin cell regeneration, which takes place at night. However, it can also be used in the morning, notably to erase dark circles and decongest the oval of the face. For a massage, we recommend our new TensioLift oil: the effects of massage will boost its botox effect. 

Most facial gymnastics movements are designed to stimulate lymphatic circulation, draining toxins to the lymph nodes. Blood microcirculation is reactivated, giving an instant healthy-glow effect. Massaging the skin stimulates fibroblasts, the super-cells responsible for collagen and elastin production. What's more, training the muscles stretches them so that they take up more space under the skin, giving an immediate tightening effect. 


Crow's feet 


Crow's feet are fine wrinkles on the outer corner of the eyes. They are formed and accentuated when the eyes smile! The mushrooms are ideal for the eye contour area: they deflate under-eye bags, reduce dark circles and help to reduce the appearance of puffiness.reduce dark circles by reactivating blood circulation and smoothing crow's feet.


Take your mushrooms (you can chill them in the fridge, it's great!) or your fingertips. Using light pressure, start at the bridge of the nose, below the inner corner of the eye. Gently move over the bags to under the crow's feet. Move up vertically with more intense pressure to smooth crow's feet. 


The lion's wrinkle 


The lion's wrinkle is a set of wrinkles between the eyebrows: these are the ones that give the impression of constantly frowning. And it's precisely because you're constantly frowning that they form! Your fingertips or the gua sha are perfect for working and smoothing out frown lines.


Take your gua sha or fingertips. After applying your TensioLift oil, take the wavy side of your gua sha. Pass it horizontally in the opposite direction to the wrinkle. Manually, place one finger on the right corner of the beginning of the nose and another finger above the beginning of the left eyebrow. Make an S-shape with your skin, moving your fingers inwards. 



Nasolabial folds 


Nasolabial folds are two wrinkles running from the sides of the nose to the corners of the lips. They form naturally and are accentuated by the expressions we make when we smile, for example. Use your fingertips or the gua sha are ideal for working and smoothing nasolabial folds.


Take your gua sha or three of your fingers. After applying your oil, take the long, flat side of the gua sha. Position the flat side of the gua sha diagonally to your skin over the nasolabial fold. Stretch the skin outwards towards the cheekbones. Manually, tap with your fingers, making gentle stretches towards the outside of the face. Do this for about 30 seconds. 



The oval of the face 

The oval of the face is an area that tends to store toxins and adipose tissue. It is therefore normal for the features to appear less defined and the oval not very "sculpted".

Take your gua sha, jade roller or fingers. After applying your oil, take the long, flat side of the gua sha. Position the gua sha diagonally to the skin, with the domed side pointing to the ground. Start at the jaw and work down the neck, bringing the gua sha between the shoulder and the collarbone. If you have a jade roller, simply bring it down from the jaw to the neck.

Then manually form a hook with the first phalanx of your index and middle fingers: start from the middle of your chin and work up to your ear, "pinching" the oval bone to reshape it and drain toxins to the lymph nodes.  

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