Behind the scenes : épisode 1

Behind the scenes: episode 1

You may have seen our campaign and probably wondered what “The power of active ingredients increased tenfold by massage” means? At Seasonly, we believe in a new way of taking care of your skin by combining the right product with the right action. Yes, a cream is essential but it cannot do everything, at least its effects also depend on the way in which it is applied. We'll explain!

The power of active ingredients increased tenfold by massage

We were already convinced of this even before the opening of our Skin Studios and our Face Glow Bars but this only confirmed it: the effects of active ingredients are even more visible when applied in the right way. Let's take the example of applying a cream; If you apply your cream every day by pulling your tissues towards the bottom of your face, you certainly risk creasing your tissues or even creating wrinkles and fine lines. Whereas if you apply it by massaging it, from the inside to the outside, always going upwards, you will see positive results very quickly.

Likewise, you will have a much more radiant complexion if, before applying your Vitamin C (or any other radiance-boosting ingredient), you stimulate your lymphatic system using massage gestures in order to drain toxins and thus accelerate the cellular regeneration to create new skin.

What difference(s) between active ingredients and massage?

Their approach is complementary. In cosmetics, topical application only concerns the epidermis. That is to say that a product, applied to the skin, will not be able to penetrate to the dermis - with the sole exception that it may contain active ingredients which, through cellular communication, manage to pass towards the deeper layers of the skin. the skin. The advantage with massage is that "the gesture" acts on the dermis and hypodermis (the 2 deepest layers of the skin). By applying your products with the right gesture, you deliver the active ingredients to the epidermis while stimulating the deeper layers through massage to boost the production of collagen and elastin, two essential proteins for the skin. This synergy allows better penetration of active ingredients and above all allows for a global approach to good skin health.

The advantage of these two levels of "distribution" is that with the products in your skincare routine you take care of your skin barrier, you improve the appearance of your skin on the surface and thanks to massage, you strengthen your skin in depth and train it to work better. In addition, massage also has a preventive effect; The more you take care of your muscles and the deeper layers of your skin, the healthier it will be. You will therefore have less worry about hyperpigmentation, loss of elasticity, fine lines from dehydration, etc. You will then have less need to "treat" your skin with certain routine steps. It’s ultimately a bit like with sport; if you do cardio, you improve your heart's endurance and prevent cardiovascular risks.

Let's take another example to illustrate this synergy; your key problem is dull complexion. If you apply products with anti-oxidant and brightening properties while your lymphatic system is slowing down, you will not have the same results as someone who uses the same products but stimulates their lymphatic system daily.

What should I change in my routine then?

I promise, not much! Make sure you choose the right active ingredients according to your skin problems in order to keep your epidermis healthy. A compromised skin barrier could “undo” the effects of the massage because your skin will be too busy fighting inflammation. In the same way, if you are used to exposing yourself to the sun without protection, the massage and the products in your routine will certainly not be able to have the expected anti-spot effects.

We advise you to start by integrating 3 minutes of massage per day into your routine. Whether it is when removing make-up with a cleansing oil or just before going to bed at the end of your routine , these 3 minutes are the key to a healthy lymphatic system, better blood microcirculation - therefore better distribution of active ingredients applied - as well as a boost to the muscles that support your skin.

You do not know where to start ? We recommend our 21-Day Challenge : a digital facial gym program that teaches you how to massage yourself in 21 days. You will find the most important gestures to know and especially those that you can use when you need them in your routine.

Conclusion: the right ingredient and the right gesture at the right time!

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