Comment éliminer efficacement les points noirs ?

How to effectively remove blackheads?

What is a blackhead?

A blackhead, also known as an open comedo, is a small skin lesion resulting from the obstruction of a hair follicle by dead skin cells, sebum (an oily substance produced by the oil glands in the skin ) and sometimes bacteria. The term “blackhead” comes from the dark or black color of the substance that obstructs the follicle.

What do you think of peel-off patches and masks?

Despite their apparent appeal as a quick fix, using peel off patches or masks to remove blackheads is not recommended. In addition to being a source of irritation to the skin, some patches and masks contain sticky ingredients which, when applied to the skin, can temporarily clog pores. This can make the problem worse in the long run, as new buildup of sebum and dead skin cells may occur after using the product.

Also, although these products may appear to remove blackheads by pulling them out of the skin, in reality, they may only remove the superficial parts, leaving the root of the blackhead intact. This can lead to a rapid reappearance of blackheads.

What solutions?

Blackheads cannot be removed instantly. Erasing them involves using suitable products.

Clean your face daily:

Double cleanse with a cleansing oil and then a cleansing jelly to remove excess oil, impurities and dead skin cells.

Exfoliate your skin regularly:

Incorporate a gentle exfoliant into your routine, two to three times a week. This will help remove dead skin cells and prevent oil buildup in pores. Avoid so-called “mechanical” exfoliants (those that contain grains, for example) because they can irritate the skin and unbalance the skin barrier.

We are looking for AHAs and PHAs. These are exfoliating acids which will dissolve sebum, dead cells and debris causing blackheads and purify the pore. Our imperfection serum is concentrated in lactic acid, an AHA extracted from sugar cane. It also contains niacinamide: the perfect serum for tightening your pores!

Use non-comedogenic ingredients:

Choose skincare products with non-comedogenic ingredients, such as bakuchiol or glycolic acid, which help prevent blackheads from forming.

Consider clay masks:

Clay masks can absorb excess oil and draw out impurities from pores. Use a clay mask once or twice a week. But be careful, don't let your mask dry! If it hardens, remember to moisten it or rinse it so as not to dehydrate your skin.

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