Comment hydrater ma peau cet été ?

How can I hydrate my skin this summer?

Temperatures are rising, and skin quality is declining: this is the sad reality of summers in the sun. In summer, we often tend to apply “lazy” mode to our skin too, which can prove fatal when we return to school.

Forgetting to put on cream during the day and after each swim, going to bed tired without nourishing your skin, wanting to be “natural” and skipping the hydration box…

Yes, we know, it definitely speaks to you. Us too, sometimes (we are human too, after all.) But here are our recommendations for having beautiful hydrated skin. Especially since thoroughly hydrated skin during the summer is the guarantee of a tan that lasts until Christmas (or almost).

      1. Drink a lot : it makes sense, but in summer we sweat, we move, we stay in the sun…. In short, we are drying out. To make sure you drink enough water, set a daily amount that you should have drunk by the end of the day. 10 glasses of water, for example. Or a 2L bottle that you will need to finish at the end of the day. No need to act like a camel by drinking it all at once. The key is to drink it regularly.

      2. Eat water : focus on fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of water. As nature is well made, summer season fruits and vegetables are best for this. Melon, watermelon, cucumber, tomatoes and zucchini are little hydration bombs that we snack on throughout the day for a little shot of vitamins and water.

      3. Mist : the right summer investment? It's a thermal water spray to keep with you all day. In addition to refreshing you when you feel the need, it allows you to hydrate the skin at any time, so it doesn't seem like anything. And to soothe your face from potential irritation (a sunburn happens so quickly...).

      4. Focus on the right products : With summer sweating, we often tend to go easy on moisturizer to avoid getting even more shiny. Serious mistake: if your skin shines, it's because it overproduces sebum. And what causes your skin to produce too much oil? Lack of hydration, of course. To avoid this vicious circle, be sure to apply moisturizer every morning and every day (and even touch up during the day if you want to be Miss Perfect.) Choose a light, fluid cream if you are afraid of feel like your skin is suffocating. Seasonly summer cream has been formulated especially for this. Clean and very hydrating, it's a large glass of water for your skin, minus the ice cubes and lemon slice.

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