Comment intégrer un nouveau produit à sa routine ?

How to integrate a new product into your routine?

The first step before integrating a new product into your routine is to check if it is well suited to your skin type or problems. You won't be able to predict whether your skin will react well to it, but first make sure that this new product meets your skin's needs. For example, if your skin is dehydrated and sensitive and you absolutely want to test this new ultra-concentrated exfoliating serum, it might not go as hoped... If you don't know what your skin needs, you can do your own. online diagnosis in just a few minutes.

How do I integrate a new product into my routine?

There are different types of introduction; for example if you want to test a new mask that contains active ingredients that you are used to, it is not the same as testing a product with an active ingredient that you have never used.

In the context of a product with assets that you know, you can simply do what is called a sort of “patch test”; Most often, it is recommended to test in the crook of the elbow or the inside of the wrist. You apply the product for a few days to see if your skin reacts. If she doesn't react: RAS, you can use it. If she reacts, don't risk sensitizing your skin.

When introducing a new active ingredient, you have to be more careful because the skin can sometimes react more or less well. Let's take the example of retinol ( nb retinol is an ingredient that we have excluded from our formulas because of its strong irritant potential. However, we know that many of you use and appreciate this active ingredient, which is for this reason that we want to inform you so that you use it safely ); first choose a low percentage at 0.1% and apply the product 2 times a week for a month, then 3 times a week the following month and then every evening. Obviously, stay attentive to your skin; some skin will react more than others. And watch for certain symptoms: if your skin peels a lot, don't worry, however you will need to apply a fatty substance to allow your skin to repair itself better.

This type of introduction applies to all assets; some are of course more "complex" than others such as Vitamin C, AHAs and PHAs, retinol, BHA, etc... VS hyaluronic acid, niacinamide or panthenol for example.

How do I know if this product is right for me?

If your test is conclusive, you can integrate this product daily into your routine. Generally after 1 month / 1 month and a half you should see the first results. If they're what you were hoping for that's great, if they're not what you were expecting maybe they weren't what your skin needed. However, sometimes you have to persevere because some assets take longer to act than others.

Don't forget that your skin tends to get used to active ingredients, so we recommend changing your routine every 3 to 4 months (not necessarily in its entirety, of course). But it is often the time that coincides with the change of season so it is important to readjust your routine to the needs of your skin.

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