Grain de milium, peut-on s’en débarrasser ?

Milia grain, can we get rid of it?

What are milia? They are small, benign cysts that form due to the accumulation of dead cells under the skin, which eventually harden. In most cases, these small grains fade and disappear on their own.

So, removing them may seem a bit superfluous, especially in infants. But since some find them unsightly, it is possible to remove them after consulting a dermatologist. Let's see together the different techniques available to get rid of them!

Milia, often referred to simply as "milia" in the singular, are small, benign cysts that typically appear on the skin. They form when dead skin cells build up and become trapped beneath the skin's surface. These dead cells harden and form small, white or yellowish bumps, which often resemble small pearls.

Characteristics of milium grains:

  • Appearance: They are usually pinhead-sized, round, and often white or yellowish in color.
  • Location: They are most commonly found on the face, especially around the eyes, cheeks, and on the nose. However, they can appear on other parts of the body.
  • Causes: Milia can develop due to a variety of reasons, such as using heavy skin care products, sun exposure, or simply due to aging skin. They are also common in infants, as their skin is still regulating itself.

Can you remove milia yourself?

NO, there is no natural treatment to remove milia. It is strongly advised not to try to extract milia on your own, without the intervention of a professional. Piercing a milia is rarely effective and can damage the skin, leading to infections and scarring. It is best to be patient or consult a dermatologist to choose an appropriate treatment.

How to remove them without extractions?

Banish textures that are too rich for the eye area!

The eye area is the most delicate area of ​​the face, often neglected, but which requires special attention. To prevent the appearance of small whiteheads, it is essential to avoid oils, overly rich creams and comedogenic textures in this area. Instead, opt for treatments specifically formulated for the eyes.

We recommend our Anti-Fatigue Eye Serum , it has a super effective cryo effect on vasoconstriction and is ideal for draining the eyes. Niacinamide and caffeine will smooth wrinkles and fine lines, soften the skin and decongest all types of bags and dark circles.

Choose light chemical peels

Regular exfoliation is crucial to maintaining healthy skin and preventing the appearance of milia. Opt for light chemical peels that effectively remove dead cells without harming the integrity of the epidermis. Incorporate these treatments into your routine 2 to 3 times a week to optimize cell turnover and improve the texture of your skin.

We recommend our New Skin Mask , which, thanks to fruit enzymes, vegetable oils rich in carotenoids and the Bright Oleoactif complex, gently exfoliates the skin, promoting cell renewal and revealing a brighter complexion.

At the same time, incorporating a specific eye contour treatment containing retinol can be beneficial. With a concentration of 0.025% applied every night for six weeks, retinol is known for its regenerative properties. It prevents the accumulation of dead cells and stimulates collagen synthesis, thus strengthening the firmness and quality of the skin.

Protect yourself from UV rays

When you are exposed to the sun, it is imperative to protect yourself with sunscreen. Choose a formula with a fluid, light and non-comedogenic texture, with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. This protection is essential to prevent the harmful effects of UV rays on your skin.

Excessive exposure to UV rays can not only cause inflammation, but it can also worsen the appearance of milia. This is because UV rays can disrupt the skin barrier, causing a buildup of dead cells and hypersensitivity of the skin.

For optimal protection, apply your sunscreen generously to your entire face, paying particular attention to sensitive areas such as the eye area and cheekbones. Reapply every two hours, or more frequently if you are sweating or swimming. Also consider wearing sunglasses with UV protection and a wide-brimmed hat to boost your defense against harmful rays.

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