La luminothérapie, qu’est-ce que c’est ?

What is light therapy?

If prolonged exposure to the sun is not recommended for the skin due to the presence of UVA and UVB, it is however recommended to expose yourself to daylight every day to stay healthy. It was at the beginning of the 20th century that Ryberg Finsen, a doctor from Denmark, received a Christmas prize in medicine for his research on the effect of exposure of the body to light on diseases.

Long forgotten, light therapy resurfaced at the beginning of the 21st century, presented as an almost miraculous remedy to combat seasonal depression. Indeed, it has been proven that light therapy helps restore the circadian rhythm (more commonly called the biological clock), by improving the body's ability to produce melatonin (the sleep clock) and rebalancing the body.

But then, what are the benefits of light on the skin?

Light therapy consists of exposing yourself for a few tens of minutes under a lamp intended for this purpose. Each color of light has its own benefits; depending on its wavelength, it will be able to penetrate the skin at different depths and act on specific cells.

Red light: It will penetrate the tissues and activate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. It has anti-aging and anti-inflammatory action and is ideally recommended for tired or irritated skin.
Blue light: The one we have heard the most about, it is known for its anti-bacterial and healing properties and will be ideal for skin with imperfections.

Yellow light: This is the ideal color to improve blood circulation and reduce redness for radiant and soothed skin.

When should you have a light therapy session ?

As soon as you feel the need. At Seasonly, we recommend carrying out a course of 6 to 10 light therapy sessions, once or twice a year, focusing on periods when your skin needs light the most, such as winter for example. Light therapy is ideal for people suffering from skin problems such as acne, but it also helps to delay the appearance of signs of aging in addition to a suitable routine.

Where to do a light therapy session?

In our studios in Lune and Passy from March 24 , on request by calling our Skin Studio directly or by booking on our website . It is possible to perform a light therapy treatment alone or in addition to a facial massage. Also discover our one-hour Spring Glow treatment including a Light Therapy session.

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