La routine de nos facialistes EP.4 : Claire

The routine of our facialists EP.4: Claire

Our expert facial gym facialists transform your skin in our Skin Studios as well as in selected Sephora stores across Europe, but do you really know this job that everyone is talking about at the moment? Today we present to you Claire, facialist at Seasonly for two years, she talks to us about her job and gives us her beauty routine.

Claire, can you tell us about your background?

I started by going to nursing school and I reoriented myself in aesthetic BTS, I wanted to find a profession close to humans and I wanted to take care of others but move away from paramedical care, I wanted something without pain, doing good to people. I started working in luxury hotel spas and found the experience extremely educational, but I wanted something more authentic and closer to my values. I also wanted to specialize in facial care because it was the discipline that I am most passionate about.

Why did you choose Seasonly?

I wanted a human company, with clean products, not tested on animals and a more family structure, I wanted to know something other than the big companies and really have an impact.

On a daily basis, what steps in your routine do you never miss?

My essential is a good double cleansing of the skin to really rid it of the impurities of the day, of makeup and so that all the products that I will apply afterwards are more effective. In the evening I don't put anything on my skin and I use a boulado to massage and sculpt my face, this allows me to prevent sagging skin and I find it more effective than a cream. This is my time to take care of myself. In the morning I apply a moisturizing and soothing lotion, a hyaluronic acid serum and a rich cream as well as sun protection.

What is your favorite Seasonly product?

I'm hesitating between the New Skin Mask and the Boulado... between the two my heart is torn, but I'm still going to choose the New Skin Mask because it really nourishes my dry skin (I've had Rosacea for years). This mask has a super soothing side and as I cannot use very strong peels on my skin, it is the ideal product to exfoliate my skin without making it reactive. It is radiant, luminous and the skin texture is smoothed, it's almost magical.

What’s the next step for you at Seasonly?

I have been working on the Sephora part since July 2022, I am area manager for France. I coach the facialists present in the points of sale, I lead, I train and I am the link between Seasonly and each store. I like this multi-hat aspect and as I was looking for a job in which people would be central, I am really satisfied!

Can you tell us a little about what is offered at Sephora?

We want to address everyone, even people who don't necessarily have a lot of time to have a massage while keeping the effective and transformative side of our massages which promise maximum results in a minimum of time. . Our treatments and techniques are revolutionizing the aesthetics sector in France, we are developing a new way of looking after your skin.

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