Chaga, a mushroom that's good for you

Chaga, a mushroom that's good for you

Scientific name Inonotus Obliquusthe chaga mushroom mushroom has been used in traditional medicine for centuries in Europe and Russia. It boosts the immune system and contains large quantities of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Its qualities and content make it a real health ally, both as a food supplement and as a Appointment beauty product.

What you need to know about Chaga mushrooms

Ot is also called oblique polypore : in its natural state, this fungus and dark in color. It grows only in cold northern regions. This adaptogenic plant grows on certain trees, marrying their cracks. These are usually yellow birch, also known as merisier, and the chaga feeds on its nutrients while healing the tree. It is a plant capable of adapting to its environment and growing in extreme climates. It helps reduce fatigue by self-regulating cortisol production and slowing collagen degradation.

Although its mode of adaptation resembles that of a parasite, the chaga only settles on injured trees. It helps them to regenerate and can reach a size of over 30 centimetres. 

Edible, with a pronounced bitterness and a full-bodied taste, this mushroom has entered the world of gastronomy. Many chefs try, with varying degrees of success, to incorporate it into their preparations.

Chaga's action on the skin

Its antioxidant action makes it a super ally for the skin. Its phenol helps strengthen and fortify skin, allowing it to age healthily. Sensitive skins, especially those prone to allergies, will benefit durably from its action. It soothes the skin, but also boosts the skin's immune defenses and reinforce the dermis' resilience against environmental factors.

Chaga relieves irritation, soothes redness and boosts the skin's skin's defenses. It contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, D and K, as well as a whole range of minerals and trace elements. Everything it contains helps strengthen and deeply nourish the skin.

Alaskan populations and Amerindian tribes have known about its anti-irritant virtues for centuries. It would seem that the fermented version is even more effective for this type of problem. 

The health benefits of chaga

This unappetizing-looking mushroom is in fact a powerful powerful antioxidant. Its active ingredients include superoxide dismutase and melanin. The latter, when derived from chaga, also helps protect DNA. As a reminder antioxidants are essential allies in the fight against the effects of oxidative stress on the body and combat free radicals.

As a dietary supplement, chaga has stimulating, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also said to have beneficial effects on the digestive system. It is also a researched ingredient in the fight against cancer.

This charred wood-like mushroom boosts the immune system, thanks to its content of beta-glucan polysaccharides. These encourage the production of killer cells, the T lymphocytes. The immune system is also boosted by a cocktail of vitamins, trace elements and minerals. 

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