Le face taping peut-il vraiment faire disparaître les rides ?

Can face taping really make wrinkles disappear?

You have surely seen this trend on social networks, especially on Instagram or TikTok, today we tell you everything about Face Taping.

It is a method that consists of applying adhesive strips to certain parts of the face to relax the muscles and prevent them from contracting. Face Taping would therefore have an impact on sagging skin and, consequently, a lifting effect on the skin, acting as a form of natural anti-wrinkle.

But then where does “taping” come from?

Taping is not a recent technique. Developed in Japan, it was initially intended for chiropractors and physiotherapists in the 1970s to relieve pain, relax muscles and accelerate muscle recovery in high-level athletes.

It was only later that this technique was transposed to the face, for a more aesthetic purpose, notably thanks to beauticians from Eastern countries. But the principle remains the same: elastic bands are strategically placed on the face to relax and smooth out the fascia, while promoting lymphatic drainage.

In general, face taping is a technique that is often used at night, but expert opinions on this subject differ. According to Dr. Ioannis Liakas, "tape the face to immobilize the muscles during sleep does not prevent them from working. On the contrary, it creates a resistance to which the muscles must react, potentially making them stronger. This can accelerate the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. Therefore, it is recommended not to do it all night." So you can start with a few hours a day at first to see how it goes!

But what actually happens to the skin when the strips are stuck on?

The strips mainly freeze the top layer of the skin. Each movement thus moves the tissues located underneath, a bit like a massage. This allows to generate a permanent stimulation that harmonizes the muscle tone and helps to eliminate tensions.

The valves in the lymphatic vessels open more easily, allowing more fluid to flow from the tissues into the lymphatic vessels, which stimulates blood circulation.

So, is this a good idea or a bad idea?

It depends on your skin type and when you start this technique. Face taping will have less impact if you do it on established wrinkles VS if you do it on more toned skin as a preventative measure. Face taping is a great preventative technique since it will prevent and reduce the formation of new wrinkles. One of our facialists has been using this technique for a very long time (technique passed down from her mother) and the results are amazing!

But be careful, face taping is not just for aesthetic purposes, it can be particularly helpful for people who are prone to bruxism for example (grinding their teeth at night) but it can also be used for example by pregnant women to relieve stomach pain and tension in this area.

The only "danger" of face taping is that it can have the opposite effect if it is done badly. If for example you use the adhesive strips incorrectly and stick them in the wrong way, it can on the contrary accentuate existing wrinkles or create new ones because you create "folds" where there are normally none.

Face taping can also have side effects depending on your skin type. It can be debilitating because the adhesive strip sticks when removed, further weakening already sensitive skin. For those with skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, or acne, be sure to choose adhesive strips designed for sensitive skin.

How to practice it?

At home :

First of all, we suggest you practice it on clean, non-sensitized (irritations, pimples, etc.) and moisturized skin. Start with a self-massage to drain the face, which prepares your skin to receive the strips by increasing blood and lymphatic flow, thus improving oxygenation of the skin.

Then, apply one or more strips of tape to the targeted area: forehead, cheekbones, jaw, chin, pulling the skin slightly and avoiding sensitive areas (eyelids, scalp). Once in place, the adhesive strip retracts slightly, which helps lift and separate the skin from the deep tissues, thus relaxing the muscles.

Be careful, you should select adhesive strips specially designed for the face, and not those intended for the body. Body strips are not suitable for the face, as they are too rigid, unlike facial strips which are usually made of natural materials, mainly hypoallergenic cotton.

As for the results, they vary depending on your skin, but experts recommend leaving the strips on for at least 1.5 hours and repeating this technique 2 to 3 times a week maximum to allow the skin to breathe between sessions.

In Skin Studios:

If you prefer to discover this technique first in a "professional" way, we recommend our TensioLift treatment . This treatment effectively targets the signs of skin aging by combining a complete anti-aging protocol with a complex of active ingredients with effects similar to those of botox, using Face Taping techniques adapted to all skin types. Our facialists will give you advice on this technique and how to reproduce it at home.

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