Les 3 gestes clés TensioLift

The 3 key actions TensioLift

Do you know the 3 key actions that can increase the effects of TensioLift Oil? Forehead wrinkles, crow's feet, facial oval; discover the gestures to add to your routine by scanning the QR code inside the packaging . Thanks to the synergy of massage and oil, the production of collagen and elastin is revived and the muscles are relaxed for an instant smoothing effect.

We have extracted for you the 3 key gestures to add to your routine if you want to start facial massage.

Smooth forehead wrinkles

With the pads of your fingers, perform stretching movements from bottom to top on the forehead to break up wrinkles. Next, perform outward stretching movements.

Smooth crow's feet wrinkles

Using both hands, perform stretching movements, stretching the wrinkles outwards. Then do light pinching to boost blood microcirculation.

Refine the oval of the face

Using two fingers, make hooks and stretch the skin from the center of the chin outwards. Repeat this action 5 to 8 times to drain and tighten the tissues.

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