"We're more bacterial than human".

"We're more bacterial than human".

Elsa Jungman, Dr. in skin pharmacology and founder of ELSI Beauty


Retour sur la première  Skin School by Seasonly

Parce que vous aimez votre peau et aimez en prendre soin mais que vous (tout comme nous) perdez pied face à la quantité d’informations disponible out there, on vous invite chez Seasonly chaque mois pour décrypter un sujet avec un expert.

Our aim: to inform you and give you the keys to clean beauty and a healthy Appointment routine for your skin and the planet.

For this first Skin School, we teamed up with Dr. Elsa Jungman, a doctor in cutaneous pharmacology, who came to talk to us about skin, the microbiome - i.e. all the bacteria present on the skin - and best practices. Here's what we had to remember:

  1. Better is the enemy of good. When it comes to your skin, this adage has never been truer. Know that 'too much skincare kills skincare', and that multiplying products can be counter-productive, since the superposition of active ingredients weakens the skin more than it protects it.

  1. Fragile skin and harmful ingredients don't mix. Stressed or weakened skin (ours, that is...) is less able to fulfill its role as a protective wall and lets more ingredients through, the good ones and... especially the bad ones.

  1. Science advances, and discoveries are confirmed... We now know that the skin is made up of not three but four layers. The fourth is essentially made up of good bacteria (microbiome), necessary for healthy, beautiful skin.

  1.  ...and we need to take them into account in our beauty routine! Cleansing too intensively or with overly aggressive products can harm this fourth layer, which is made up of good bacteria. In fact, our skin is a nest of microbes, and all the better for it! This so-called microbiome, made up of an infinite number of micro-organisms, is our body's first barrier against external aggressions (pathogens, contamination, sun, etc.)... so we must take care of it Appointment ! So, sensitive skins, opt for oils!

Follow our Instagram account for all our news and upcoming Skin Schools, we can't wait to see you there!

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