Qu’est-ce que la ride du lion et comment l’estomper ?

What are frown lines and how to fade them?

The frown line is one of the most common and visible frown lines because it is located between the eyebrows and can give the appearance of a constant frown. This wrinkle is the result of repeated muscle micro-contractions such as frowning or squinting, for example.

With age and the loss of elasticity of the skin, it struggles to return to its initial shape and wrinkles set in, other factors such as prolonged exposure to UV rays without suitable protection, stress or still genetics can promote the premature appearance of frown lines, but then, how to get rid of them?

Adopt a suitable routine

If we often talk about anti-aging cosmetics, it can be difficult to find THE product that will make all the difference for your skin. We recommend that you choose an anti-aging treatment adapted to your skin type because the lack of hydration will precipitate the appearance of fine lines and then wrinkles. Indeed, when the skin is dehydrated, its production of collagen and elastin (two proteins essential for supple and plump skin) is slowed down because the skin needs lipids and hydration to ensure its proper functioning.

If your skin is dehydrated, it becomes more sensitive and will also mark more quickly, it is essential to opt for moisturizing care, enriched with active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid for example which can retain up to a thousand times its weight in water and moisturize the lower layers of the skin.

If your skin is undernourished, which can happen to mature or very dry skin, we recommend that you add lipids to your routine in the form of oils or very nourishing treatments which will allow your skin to regain all its suppleness.

Which assets to choose?

No matter where your wrinkle is, the anti-aging active ingredients remain the same. We recommend that you opt for a treatment enriched with hyaluronic acid for its moisturizing properties which will give the skin a boost and help it restart the production of collagen and elastin.

Furthermore, new so-called “botox-like” active ingredients have appeared on the cosmetics market in recent years and make it possible to immediately smooth features while treating the problem over time to effectively reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Certain active ingredients such as argireline or Acmella Oleracea extract have the capacity to inhibit the release of neurotransmitters responsible for muscle contractions, these micro-contractions being the cause of expression lines, these active ingredients therefore make it possible to limit their appearance.

For our TensioLift Oil , a complex of three active ingredients was selected by our team: LIFT Oléoactif® 5%, Preparami® 5% and adinami® 5%, three particularly powerful active ingredients associated with a nourishing oil texture ideal for self-massage and for the skin because it ensures the daily intake of lipids, creates a film on the surface of the skin to protect it from external aggressions and prevent the phenomenon of transepidermal water loss (loss of water through the pores of the skin which occurs especially at night).

And the facial massage?

At Seasonly we are convinced that facial massage is the best anti-aging and that a good anti-aging cream is not enough. This is why we are developing facial massage and self-massage protocols to allow you to target a specific problem by adding a few minutes of massage to your usual skincare routine. Two minutes a day are enough to make it gradually disappear by following our tutorial:

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