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What are the effects of hard water on the skin?

Limescale is a component commonly found in our tap water. If you've ever noticed a feeling of tightness after a shower, it's often because of its presence. But what exactly are the effects of limestone on our skin? And how can these unwanted effects be minimized?

What is limestone?

Limestone is essentially composed of calcium and magnesium carbonates. In water, these minerals can be suspended, making the water “hard” with a stronger taste. Although water rich in limescale is not unfit for consumption, it will, however, be deposited on the surface of your skin and cause certain inconveniences.

How does limescale affect the skin?

One of the main complaints related to hard water is dry skin. Indeed, if your skin feels tight after cleansing and your facial cleanser is not particularly astringent, then limescale may be the source of your discomfort.

Indeed, limestone eliminates the skin's natural oils, thus disrupting its protective barrier - the hydrolipidic film that we so often talk about - by eliminating these oils, limestone makes the skin more vulnerable to external aggressions, which can lead to itching and soreness. redness. Limescale can also form a thin layer on the skin, blocking pores and making the complexion less radiant.

How to protect your skin from limescale?

If you notice that the water in your city is particularly rich in limestone, use water softeners, these mechanisms eliminate the calcium and magnesium responsible for the hardness of the water. It is also particularly important to hydrate the skin well as soon as it is cleansed, apply a hydrating serum to the entire face and neck to provide your skin with the dose of hydration it needs to ensure its functioning and use a moisturizer adapted to your skin type.

Finally, to calm the feeling of discomfort and repair your skin, use a few drops of facial oil every evening to seal in hydration and restore the hydrolipidic film of your skin; using a suitable oil will also reveal the natural radiance of your skin.

Our facialists’ tip:

Rinse your face with cold water to tighten pores and minimize limescale deposits. If you can, use a hydrating mist or thermal water mist right after cleansing your face to immediately counter the effects of limescale.

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