Qu'est-ce que la ride de la patte d'oie et comment l'estomper ?

What is crow's feet wrinkle and how to fade it?

The crow's feet wrinkle is a set of fine wrinkles that form on the outer corner of the eye and spread across the temple to form a set of lines similar to a crow's feet, this is where from which it got its name. This wrinkle most often appears between the ages of thirty and forty and is one of the first signs of skin aging.

What causes crow's feet wrinkles?

The crow's feet wrinkle is a so-called "expression" wrinkle, it is linked to repetitive micro-contractions of the facial muscles: when you laugh, smile or squint your eyes for example. This area is particularly stressed, so it is normal that this wrinkle is one of the first to appear.

The appearance of wrinkles, regardless of their location on the face, is also linked to the loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin. Indeed, with age, the production of collagen and elastin decreases (two proteins essential to maintaining the suppleness of the skin), consequently the skin marks more easily.

Finally, overexposure to UV rays will also accelerate skin aging, it is therefore possible to see this wrinkle appear before thirty years of age, it is for this reason that it is very important to use appropriate sun protection whatever the season.

How to get rid of crow's feet wrinkles?

If it is a question of fine lines, start by adopting a moisturizing eye cream which will protect this very sensitive area where the skin is particularly thin. Furthermore, choosing a cream enriched with hyaluronic acid, for example, will help boost the production of collagen and elastin and therefore improve the firmness of the skin.

If the wrinkle is well established, we advise you to opt for a moisturizing cream or an oil enriched with so-called botox-like active ingredients , thanks to their tightening effect, they will smooth the wrinkle instantly and act gradually to fade it in a lasting manner. .

Finally, regardless of your age, we advise you to integrate into your daily routine a few facial massage procedures that will smooth and decongest the eye contour:

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