What's the relationship between bakuchiol, elastin and collagen? If you want to understand and slow down skin aging, we've got it all covered!

Collagen and elastin: the effects of bakuchiol

Bakuchiol is an ingredient we're hearing more and more about: a plant-based alternative to retinol, it offers numerous benefits for the skin without the irritating effects of retinol. That's why it's becoming increasingly popular in anti-aging formulas. It accelerates cell renewal. So it's a highly sought-after ingredient for its anti-wrinkle, anti-spot and anti-acne scarring effects. So what is bakuchiol's relationship with collagen and elastin, two essential components of healthy skin?


Collagen and elastin: what are they? What's the difference?


We often identify two types of skin aging on the face: either the cheeks deepen and wrinkles multiply, or the face is affected by gravity and the oval of the face is lost. In both cases, the skin's two main components are responsible for this sagging: elastin and collagen.

Elastin is a dermal protein that gives skin its elasticity. Collagen, on the other hand, is a fibrous protein that ensures the cohesion of the dermis. Elastin is therefore responsible for skin's suppleness and resilience, while collagen is responsible for its firmness and plumpy effect. 

We produce collagen naturally throughout our lives, but production tends to decline from the age of 30 onwards. Elastin production, on the other hand, stops at puberty. That's why it's so important to stimulate the production of these proteins with targeted active ingredients. Here's a chart to help you better understand the role of these proteins in the skin:




Bakuchiol is a natural ingredient extracted from the seeds of the babchi tree, a medicinal plant found in East Asia. A natural source of antioxidants, it stimulates collagen production and accelerates cell regeneration. Bakuchiol offers the same anti-aging effects as retinol without the irritation that goes with it. It is therefore perfect for sensitive skins seeking specific effects.

How does bakuchiol slow skin ageing? 


Bakuchiol has two anti-aging actions: it prevents and slows down skin aging. Bakuchiol protects the skin from oxidative stress because it is an important source of antioxidants. It therefore prevents cutaneous aging, which is accelerated by oxidative stress. Lastly, it accelerates the cell regeneration cycle, smoothing fine lines and wrinkles and erasing pigmentation spotsrefines skin texture and stimulates collagen production. It is therefore a favorite in anti-wrinkle and anti-aging skin care.

It's normal to be skeptical when you hear that bakuchiol has all the benefits of retinol without its shortcomings. But more and morescientific studies prove it: bakuchiol accelerates cell renewal and generates no redness or irritation. So it's the anti-aging ingredient of choice for sensitive skin!


Which ingredients stimulate collagen and elastin production? 


The facial gymnastics offers many ways to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin: the use of a gua shaa jade roller or the boulado improve skin tone. Just 5 minutes a day can reshape the oval of the face, plump cheeks and smooth wrinkles.

Active ingredients to look for: 

- As previously mentioned, bakuchiol is a leading anti-aging active ingredient that accelerates cell renewal and stimulates collagen and elastin production. Our anti-aging booster is highly concentrated in bakuchiol: three drops added to its moisturizing cream are enough to restore firmer, smoother skin. Bakuchiol can be safely combined with other ingredients without losing its effectiveness.

- Stimulating collagen production, low-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid is the star ingredient in the moisturizing booster. It enhances the hydration of your usual moisturizing cream with a light anti-aging action. Perfect for the first signs of aging!

- Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant: it slows photoaging by reducing oxidative stress. It also stimulates collagen production. That's why it's included in our radiance boostera morning must-have!

- Peptides in general stimulate collagen production: they are particularly effective in reducing wrinkles by restoring volume to the skin. 

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