Babchi plant from which bakuchiol is derived.

Bakuchiol VS Retinol

Bakuchiol is an ingredient we're hearing more and more about: a plant-based alternative to retinol, it offers numerous benefits for the skin without the irritating effects of retinol. This active ingredient is for you if you're looking for targeted anti-aging or anti-imperfection action. Let's decipher this 100% natural active ingredient.

What is bakuchiol?

Bakuchiol is a natural anti-oxidant, anti-wrinkle and anti-inflammatory active ingredient derived from the seeds of a plant known as "Babchi". It is often compared to retinol, since it is also a vitamin A derivative. The only difference is that it has the same properties as retinol without the drawbacks (irritation, stability problems, photosensitization, etc.). In particular, it's a very good alternative for sensitive or weakened skin that tends to react to certain active ingredients (such as AHAS, BHAS and retinoids, for example).

Sérum imperfections Seasonly



What are the effects of bakuchiol on the skin?

Bakuchiol is a very complete active ingredient, which is why we've chosen it as the star ingredient in our imperfections serum. One of its main benefits is to improve skin texture: it smoothes and retexturizes skin texture without irritating it. For skin with imperfections, its antioxidant action fights against pigmentation spotsIts antioxidant action combats pigmentation spots, often left by post-acne scars and other redness. It also helps to even out skin tone and enhance radiance. Anti-inflammatory, bakuchiol also combats the appearance of new imperfections. Thus, with daily use, it has long-term effects on both skin quality and the reduction of imperfections. Its action is complemented by other active ingredients such as zinc, lactic acid and AHAs in our imperfections range for a comprehensive treatment of blemishes.

This active ingredient is also recognized for its anti-wrinkle action, as, like retinol, it has visible effects on the signs of skin ageing. By stimulating collagen production, it improves skin firmness and elasticity. It stimulates cell renewal, helping to combat brown spots caused by skin ageing or overexposure to the sun. In fact, it's the ingredient we've chosen for our anti-aging booster


Bakuchiol VS retinol: what are the differences?

Unlike retinol, bakuchiol is non-irritating and can therefore be used by all skin types, including the most fragile. Indeed, retinol (and retinoids in general) are often too aggressive for sensitive skin, and can cause redness, flaking and even rashes. That's why it's recommended, for example, to introduce retinol gradually into your routine - first once every 2 weeks, then once a week, and then several times a week for skin that tolerates it. This is not the case with bakuchiol: you can incorporate it directly into your routine either in the form of a serum or as an oil, and you can use it while pregnant (unlike retinol). Another advantage of bakuchiol is that it is not photosensitizing like retinol. In other words, it does not make the skin more sensitive to the sun. It can therefore be used morning and night, without the risk of causing pigmentation spots. However, be sure to use an SPF because, as with all anti-aging and anti-spot ingredients, sun protection is essential to achieve (and maintain) the best results. However, you can use bakuchiol and retinol together, if your skin tolerates it, as the bakuchiol will have a soothing action that will balance the effects of the retinol.

How do you incorporate it into your routine?

Bakuchiol can be easily integrated into any routine. Unlike retinol, it doesn't conflict with other active ingredients, so don't worry about compatibility with other active ingredients already in your routine. You can use it morning and night with our imperfections serum for example, which can be applied daily. This will enable you to act on targeted problems without sensitizing your skin.

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