C'est quoi la face gym ?

What is the gym side?

When we think of “gymnastics”, we immediately think of a way to maintain our body and strengthen our muscles. But strangely, the idea of ​​applying gymnastics to the face rarely comes to mind... Even though it is a extremely effective technique to combat the damage that our skin can suffer on a daily basis. Commonly called “face gym” in English-speaking countries where it is already widely practiced or even “facial yoga/facial yoga”, it is a practice which makes it possible to easily fight against the signs of aging, in particular.

Look at it like this: by doing body gymnastics, you prevent your body from being flabby and lacking in tone.

Well when doing face gym, it's the same... But for the face. Suffice to say that wrinkles, in fact, can be reduced with regular “training”. Ah good ? But yes: by doing small exercises on your face, you work the muscles in depth, and the benefits follow. Collagen production, boosted microcirculation, “smoothed” wrinkles, plumped skin, instant radiance… And what's more, it's a moment of intense relaxation: as the face concentrates all the tensions, taking care of it finally relaxes the whole body.

The gym side is good.

How to practice it?


In training mode : every day, in front of your mirror, perform a few small movements to activate your face. Make big “O”s or exaggerated kisses with your mouth, for example, in sets of 10, for the lip contour. To sculpt the oval of the face, there is nothing like exaggeratingly inflating the cheeks, always in sets of 10. Or massage the eye contour in small circular movements, starting from the inner corner, for an awakened look.

In treatment mode : an invigorating facial massage has no equal for activating the muscles in depth and combining business with pleasure (nothing like a good excuse to take a moment for yourself). Our recommendation? Our Face Gym treatment in our Seasonly Studio. 30 minutes of friction, tapping, rolling and other revolutionary techniques developed by our facialist specializing in anti-aging techniques. Done regularly (once a week ideally), this treatment makes you look 3 years younger with visible effects after 6 months. Naturally.

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