Comment lutter efficacement contre les taches pigmentaires ?

How to effectively combat pigment spots?

Pigment spots can appear at any age and affect all skin types; they are caused by a local overproduction of melanin - the pigment that gives your skin its color. These spots are located on the surface of the epidermis and can give the skin a speckled appearance, the complexion lacks uniformity, appears irregular and it is sometimes difficult to find the right routine to make them disappear or reduce their appearance.

Why does the skin produce more melanin?

The overproduction of melanin is a response of the skin to aggression. Tanning, for example, is an overproduction of melanin which helps protect the skin from the sun's harmful rays. With age, and if the skin is regularly exposed to the sun without appropriate protection, brown spots can appear all over the body but are most often located on the face, hands and neckline, which are the most exposed areas. .

On the face, pigment spots can appear after a breakout of hormonal acne for example, it is not uncommon to keep a few spots on the skin if you suffered from acne as a teenager or if you regularly have blemishes . These spots are made up of a mixture of melanin and dead cells and can be effectively faded with a suitable routine. 

What routine and active ingredients should you adopt to get rid of pigment spots? 

Exfoliate the skin every week with a treatment enriched with AHAs: We recommend that you integrate into your routine an exfoliating face mask with AHAs which will help rid the skin of dead cells gently and without attacking it, unlike grain scrubs which damage the hydro-lipid film of the skin and can cause irritation. This chemical exfoliation, thanks to glycolic acid and lactic acid, boosts cell renewal, allowing the epidermis to have “new skin” and reduce pigmentation spots.

Use a unifying treatment based on anti-dark spots complexes: Certain ingredients such as white flowers are known for their unifying properties, we therefore recommend that you use a unifying serum or a moisturizing cream concentrated in unifying active ingredients every day. Combined with the use of an AHA exfoliant, it will lastingly fade spots and even out the complexion. 

Boost your routine with Vitamin C : Powerful antioxidant, vitamin C acts on many factors of hyperpigmentation; it has an anti-spot but also preventative action since it protects the skin from free radicals. We therefore advise you to mix 2 to 3 drops of the Vitamin C booster with your day cream for an even complexion, smoother skin texture and tightened pores.

Nourish and moisturize the skin daily with panthenol and vegetable oils: The skin needs to be nourished (supply of lipids) and hydrated (supply of water) to ensure its proper functioning. If your skin is dry or malnourished, cell regeneration will be slower because the skin will not have the energy to produce the new cells needed. In addition, active ingredients such as panthenol or vegetable oils allow the skin to heal better and thus have fewer spots in the long term. Indeed, panthenol (vitamin B5), for example, stimulates the production of cells present in the skin, whose action is known in wound healing. Using a moisturizing cream and a fatty substance such as an oil every day, for example, facilitates cell renewal and gives you a brighter complexion.

Use sun protection: Whatever the cause of your pigment spots, integrating sun protection into your routine is essential and will limit the appearance of new spots.

Need more information ? Find all our advice on hyperpigmentation .

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