La routine peau idéale pour l’été

The ideal skin routine for summer

In summer, we often imagine that taking care of our skin stops at putting on sun protection when we go out in the sun. Except yes… But no.

Here's what you should do to have pretty skin this summer, whose glow will last all fall.

  1. Protect

Yes of course. No matter what we say, it's the basis. Because it is better to prevent a sunburn than to repair a sunburn... Choose a sunscreen that is as natural as possible, with SPF 30 to be sure you are well protected. Concerning the SPF, there are two teams. Those who swear by the 50, and those for whom the 30 suits very well. The truth is that the 50 is certainly more effective, but can also be tricky. Indeed, by putting on SPF 50, we often tend to consider ourselves calm for the whole day, whereas the key to the effectiveness of sun cream is to apply it regularly, every two hours ( especially if you spend the day at the beach or the swimming pool). With SPF 30, we naturally tend to use it more often, and that's what allows you to be truly protected. In addition, it is easier to find SPF 30 with a cleaner composition than SPF 50. Warning: if you have skin that is very sensitive to the sun, we tell you this again and again. No exposure to the sun during hot hours.

  1. Hydrate

Thoroughly. By drinking a lot of water, obviously (2L per day minimum, it gives a beautiful complexion and it's good for you), by eating fruits and vegetables full of water, and by slathering yourself with moisturizing cream in the morning. Seasonly summer cream, for example, has been specially formulated to hydrate your skin while remaining fluid and light.

  1. Remove makeup

We often forget this because on vacation, we tend to wear less makeup than usual. Little or no foundation, natural makeup every day... Which means that at the end of the day, we are often lazy when it comes to removing makeup. Which is nevertheless essential. Especially since the sunscreens you applied during the day are quite intense products for the skin, which wants to breathe at the end of the day. For this, nothing better than a good multi-function makeup remover oil . The one we developed was designed especially for this: its 3 natural super oils nourish, purify and protect the skin, to regenerate it while cleansing it deeply.

  1. Regenerate

To be more beautiful during the day, your skin must be pampered at night. Use the cleanest products possible to counterbalance the fairly heavy composition of the SPF worn during the day. Take a look at our night oil , for example: rich in natural oils that plump and brighten the skin, it has the bonus benefit of smelling divine. We are told that it is also perfect for areas of the body that need a boost of nutrition, such as nails, elbows or knees. You try ?

  1. Gently exfoliate

There's nothing better to avoid acne and small after-sun breakouts than a gentle exfoliant twice a week. Whether you prefer gentle grain scrub or peeling, it's up to you, but a word of advice: the day after exfoliation, protect thoroughly. Plus, it prolongs your tan.

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