La routine de nos facialistes ep.5 : Samira

The routine of our facialists ep.5: Samira

Our expert facial gym facialists transform your skin in our Skin Studios as well as in selected Sephora stores across Europe, but do you really know this job that everyone is talking about at the moment? Today, we present to you Samira, facialist at Seasonly since 2020, she tells us about her job and gives us her routine for healthy skin all year round.

Samira, can you tell us about your journey?

I worked for 13 years in the cosmetics sector with a specialization in skincare, before joining Seasonly I worked on both training and animation mainly at points of sale such as the duty-free stores that we found in airports and Sephora. I became a facialist a little by chance just after confinement, I was looking for a new opportunity and an acquaintance introduced me to Fany Péchiodat, the founder of Seasonly, that's how I was trained in facialism.

On a daily basis, what steps in your routine do you never miss?

I double cleanse every night, it’s non-negotiable for me. After that I use an oil and I massage my face in front of a book or when I'm comfortably seated on my pillow before going to bed, that's my time.

Do you have any beauty tips to share with us?

I am very curious and aware that beauty does not only come from the outside but also from the inside of our body, which is why I embarked on naturopathy studies. Many imbalances are reflected on the skin and I'm not just talking about our physical health, it's the same thing with emotions, I often say that "everything that is not expressed is impregnated". When you are a facialist you read a lot about the face and you learn a lot about a person by analyzing the location of expression lines, jaw tension, etc., it's very interesting.

As for me, I try to drink fresh juices that I prepare in the extractor, I love the combination of carrot, orange, ginger to have beautiful skin (cocktail rich in vitamin C). I drink a lot of water, I play sports and I sometimes take courses of food supplements such as vitamin E (skin, mucous membranes, hair, etc.). 

What is your favorite Seasonly product?

The Makeup Remover Oil for its unique texture, it is soft and it removes makeup really well, I love its scent which is very pleasant.

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