The virtues of “Face Gym” thanks to the Quartz Roller

Tone your face by exercising (yes, it’s possible)

Inspired by an Asian beauty secret, the Quartz Roller is the new skincare routine already adopted by thousands of American women. The concept is innovative and simple at the same time: create an effective and healthy gym for the face. Because the observation is clear, the face needs exercise. Like the body, the skin is stronger, more toned and more radiant when it is stimulated.


This roll-on for the face has been designed to allow daily and virtuous stimulation of the skin : used using short movements from bottom to top and from the forehead to the neck, it helps to firm the skin, to naturally reactivate micro-circulation and eliminate bags under the eyes. The principle is the same as that of massage, the effectiveness of which we have known for thousands of years in toning the skin and reducing muscle tension. Thanks to the Quartz Roller, it is now possible to integrate the virtues of massage into a daily facial care routine . And as with any massage ritual, it gains in effectiveness combined with our Night Oil, whose benefits it boosts by promoting its penetration, gently and deeply... while making the use of the roll-on more pleasant and more sensory Again.

But it is anything but a miracle: the effectiveness and comfort of the roll-on are based on the well-known active ingredients of Rose Quartz stone , a healing stone used for centuries in Asia for its regenerating and soothing properties. At Seasonly, we are committed to promoting simpler and safer cosmetics using natural products. And this is precisely the ambition of the Quartz Roller, which combined with our Night Oil, helps to drain, tone and firm the skin by stimulating it... naturally & without artifice. After that, no need to add more. It's your skin that's working. And it's for the best.


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