Sun protection: a hot topic

Sun protection: a hot topic

So far, opinion is unanimous: the sun is the primary cause of skin ageing, so we should never neglect our sun protection, and not just when we're at the beach.  

Sun protection is Appointment made up of filters to protect the skin from UV rays. These filters can be synthetic or, in recent years, mineral. Two compositions, and therefore two very different ways of acting on the skin. Synthetic filters absorb UV rays, while mineral filters reflect them.

Of course, but what's the point?

While they produce the same result (protecting the skin from the sun), they evolve differently in contact with the skin and the environment. So they both have different drawbacks. Let's decipher them together!

  1. Synthetic (or "chemical") filters

They have two major drawbacks. Some of the molecules contained in synthetic filters are suspected endocrine disruptors. What's more, they have a very harmful impact on the environment, particularly on coral reefs. That's why some countries are banning them to protect marine and plant species. Hawaii, for example, has just banned sunscreens containing oxybenzone and octinoxate, two synthetic sunscreens reputed to destroy the environment.

  1. Today, mineral filters could be a more "natural" alternative to synthetic filters. There are essentially two: titanium dioxide and zinc.

However, they only exist naturally in the form of "large molecules", which tend to thicken and whiten formulas, making them neither pleasant nor portable for everyday use.
Another solution is to transform these molecules into "nanoparticles", which consists in fragmenting them to make them finer and thus attenuate their whitening and thickening effects. Unfortunately, this is not without consequences: these artificially transformed natural elements are suspected of being absorbed more easily and more deeply by the body. They could therefore alter cellular function.
Titanium dioxide is also suspected of being harmful to the environment.

Bilan : il n’y a pas de 100 % bonne ou mauvaise solution, mais des compromis à faire.
Chez Seasonly, nous travaillons encore d'arrache pied pour trouver la meilleure solution. En attendant, suite à vos retours, nous avons décidé de ne pas mettre de SPF dans nos formules été du soin personnalisé.
N’oubliez pas en revanche de vous protéger du soleil à chaque exposition, et de choisir la solution qui vous convient le mieux. Bel été à toutes !

--------L’ avis du Clean Beauty Board de Seasonly -----

Angeline Rocherieux, expert in cosmetic active ingredients, Arlette Baillet-Guffroy, doctor in cutaneous pharmacology, and Michel Sabadie, R&D director in cosmetics, give you the three things to remember when it comes to sunscreens: 

  • Always prefer sun protection, whatever the type of filter, to no protection at all: the sun remains skin enemy number 1, far more dangerous than any filter (risk of skin cancer, and visible acceleration of skin aging)!

  • You need to adapt the intensity of the filter to your skin's phototype, and also to the duration of exposure. There's no need to use a day cream with SPF if you spend most of your time in an office. On the other hand, protection is welcome during your lunch break on the terrace. And in such cases, there's no need to use a cream with an excessively high (and therefore whitening) SPF. It's better to repeat the gesture several times with a medium SPF like 15.

  • Good to know: if you use a conventional chemical filter, make sure you apply it before exposure. It doesn't start working until 20 minutes after it has been applied to the skin.

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