Pourquoi utiliser de l'acide hyaluronique sur sa peau en Été ?

Why use hyaluronic acid on your skin in Summer?

Exposure to the sun, high temperatures, salt water, summer puts our skin to the test. In order to relieve the skin and strengthen it during this period, hyaluronic acid proves to be a valuable ally. Already present in the body, this active ingredient is very well tolerated by all skin types, even the most sensitive. Find out how to integrate it into your skincare routine for perfectly hydrated and plump skin all year round.

What is hyaluronic acid?

It is a sugar naturally present in our skin that retains water and ensures hydration and elasticity of the skin. It acts like a sponge, being able to hold up to 1000 times its weight in water, which contributes to a plumped appearance and hydrated skin.

Hydration – A Necessity in Summer

In summer, our skin loses more water due to heat and sweating. Hyaluronic acid helps retain moisture and prevent dehydration, by absorbing water this acid helps maintain skin elasticity, which is essential during periods of high sun exposure.

Skin Repair and Protection

Hyaluronic acid has soothing properties that can help reduce redness and irritation caused by the sun. Furthermore, by protecting and hydrating the skin, hyaluronic acid also helps prevent UV damage, which can accelerate skin aging.

How to integrate hyaluronic acid into your routine?

As a serum, cream, booster or food supplement, hyaluronic acid is available in all forms, however we advise you to opt for a skin application for a shot of hydration and visibly immediate results.

To limit the number of products in your bathroom, it is possible to use boosters based on hyaluronic acid and add a few drops to your usual moisturizing cream to boost their effects.

In addition to your weekly routine, we recommend using a hydrating mask, our Rehydrating Mask , enriched with hyaluronic acid of two molecular weights, hydrates the skin deeply and can even be applied in a thick layer for an ultra- moisturizing.

The little extra? Store your Rehydrating Mask in a cool place for an immediate decongestant effect.

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