What can be done about aging skin? Wrinkles, fine lines, crow's feet or frown lines? Discover the best ingredients, treatments and products to combat the signs of aging.

Skin aging

From the age of 25, collagen production declines and the first signs of aging appear. Wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, loss of tone... Many factors accelerate skin aging. So how can we slow the appearance of these signs? Which active principles and ingredients should be included in your routine to maintain a smooth skin texture?


How to spot skin ageing?


The skin is made up of three layers: hypodermis, dermis and epidermis. All are affected by skin aging, but each in its own way: 

- The epidermis - the skin's outer layer - undergoes cellular renewal and reduced production of lipids - sebum for intimates. As a result, skin texture is drier, rougher and marked by fine lines and wrinkles.

- The dermis is a bit like the sinews of war: we lose 1% of collagen every year, elastin levels drop and microcirculation becomes more laborious. As a result, skin is less firm, less elastic, more prone to wrinkles, and loses density and radiance. Goodbye rosy glow, hello dull complexion dull complexion...


- Hypodermis decreases in size: there's a loss of volume, deeper wrinkles and the cheeks may hollow out or sag. This is skin sagging!


Areas where the first signs of aging appear : 

- The crow's feet or expression lines, located at the outer corner of the eye.

- The nasolabial folds around the mouth and extending from the nose. These are deep wrinkles caused by sagging skin.

- Forehead forehead wrinklesare easily recognized by these horizontal lines.

- The lion's wrinkle between the eyebrows.


That's about it, and that's good enough! The first signs of skin ageing generally appear around the age of 25, although if you smoke or your environment is highly polluted, it can start earlier. Fortunately, this can be mitigated with appropriate preventive care. 


What factors aggravate skin ageing? 


Skin aging is accelerated by lifestyle and habits. Behaviors that aggravate skin aging mainly concern lifestyle habits: 

- smoking smoking or alcohol. Smoking and drinking considerably increase oxidative stress, and quitting smoking, for example, is the first thing to do to age "gracefully".

- Stress stress. Stress has the same effects as smoking: it considerably increases oxidative stress.

- Sleep lack of sleep. For the same reasons, lack of sleep considerably increases oxidative stress.


What can be done to slow down skin ageing? 


The first reflex to take, vital for an anti-aging approach, is to put on sunscreen ! Use SPF 50 and apply it every day. Even indoors! UVA rays are not blocked by windows and are responsible for skin ageing.


A simple but effective habit you can adopt is the face gym. Using a gua shaa jade roller or bouladoyou can stretch and work the various muscles of your face every day for an anti-ageing effect. Just 5 minutes a day is enough to redefine the oval of the face, smooth wrinkles, plump the skin and boost cutaneous microcirculation.


Concerning the ingredients to look for in your anti-aging skin care products: 

- Powerful" anti-ageing ingredients "powerful retinol and bakuchiol. Each is recognized for accelerating cell renewal and "defying" aging. Retinol has its drawbacks: it causes irritation and dryness. A gentler, plant-based alternative to retinol, bakuchiol is a natural ingredient that smoothes wrinkles, refines skin texture and accelerates the disappearance ofacne andhyperpigmentation.

- Anti-aging ingredients stimulate collagen production such as peptides, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes and plumps skin, and stimulates collagen production. Vitamin C protects against free radicals and reduces hyperpigmentation.


- Ingredients for prevention Antioxidants are always important in the morning. Whether it's vitamin C, polyphenols or other antioxidant-rich plant oils and extracts, it's important to have them in your routine to prevent oxidative stress. When we know that aging is mostly accelerated by oxidative stress, we appreciate an antioxidant!


So which products should you choose? 


Le anti-aging serum has as its key ingredient maca root : an adaptogenic plantMaca is rich in antioxidants and recognized for its energizing properties. Our anti-aging serum prevents cutaneous aging and tones the skin thanks to its high amino acid content.


For a powerful anti-aging action, simply add three drops of our anti-aging booster to your usual moisturizer. Concentrated in bakuchiolthe booster smoothes fine lines and wrinkles and refines skin texture.


To target crow's feet, we have developed the anti-aging eye cream enriched with avocado oil, our cream plumps the eye contour area to revitalize the eyes and reduce the signs of aging.


To provide antioxidants and nourish skin all night long, we recommend our night oil. 100% natural, it concentrates 14 different plant oils, including jojoba, avocado and rice oils. All are rich in antioxidants, perfect for preventing oxidative stress.

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