What are the benefits of antioxidants? How do they protect us from oxidative stress? Their effects on dull complexion, skin ageing, collagen ...

Antioxidants and oxidative stress

Antioxidants are like that ingredient we hear about all the time without really knowing what it is. They're linked to "detox" treatments, to the trend towards healthy eating, vegetables, fruit... So what are antioxidants? What are their benefits? Why is it so good to have antioxidants in your routine? We tell you all about it. 


So, what is an antioxidant? 


To begin with, the word antioxidant refers to a category of active ingredients. Antioxidants can be polyphenols, for example: polyphenols are antioxidants secreted by plants to guard against oxidation and scab (the disease that causes fruit to develop spots). But antioxidants can also be vitamins, enzymes...


As the name clearly suggests, the purpose of an antioxidant is to combat oxidation. Skin oxidation is the breakdown of molecules in our cells by oxygen atoms. This oxidation is triggered by the presence of free radicals, which are responsible for oxidative stress. 


An antioxidant is a molecule that prevents oxidative stress. 


But what about oxidative stress? 


Oxidative stress is the process of cell oxidation by free radicals. Free radicals are small, unstable molecules or atoms that graft themselves onto the constituent molecules of our cells to stabilize themselves. The result is a chain reaction that degrades our cells and their components. But there's no need to be alarmed: free radicals are naturally produced by our bodies, and this is normal. 

Oxidative stress not only degrades collagen molecules, but also promotes the appearance of pigmentation spots and wrinkles. Oxidative stress is aggravated by photoaging due to the effects of the sun: following prolonged exposure to UV rays, oxidative stress increases.


The number of free radicals increases as a function of a number of factors: pollution, stress, UVA and UVB rays from the sun, tobacco, alcohol... When this quantity of free radicals is too high, the body depletes its natural antioxidants such as vitamin E, and oxidative stress begins. Are you still with us? 


This oxidative stress is responsible for many of our problems: dull complexionspots, accelerated ageingIt's for these reasons that we recommend antioxidants in your routine, and that's why we've included them in our products!


Why use an antioxidant? 


Using antioxidants means protecting your skin from external aggression: yes, they fight oxidative stress, but that's not all they do. The vitamin C for example, if used under sun protection, improves protection against UVA and UVB rays! To sum up:
- Antioxidants prevent oxidative stress
- Antioxidants prevent the degradation of collagen and elastin: they slow down the skin's skin aging
- Antioxidants prevent dullness
- Antioxidants brighten the face and even out skin tone 


Which antioxidants and products should you choose? 


The best-known antioxidant is vitamin C. In addition to its antioxidant power, it stimulates collagen production, awakens dull complexions, evens skin tone and reduceshyperpigmentation. Our radiance booster is ultra-concentrated in vitamin C: three drops added to your day cream every morning is enough to restore radiance in ten days. The plus? You don't need to change products completely to introduce vitamin C into your routine.


Coenzyme Q10, or ubiquinone to its friends, is an antioxidant naturally produced throughout the body. cell renewal and acts on fine lines and wrinkles.


Plant extracts are often rich in antioxidants: our moisturizing cream, fluid or rich depending on your skin type, is enriched with acerola. This little red fruit provides skin with intense hydration and, above all, a healthy dose of antioxidants.


Adaptogenic plants such as red schisandra berries are particularly concentrated in antioxidants. This concentration is due to the adaptogenic plants' environment: these plants have evolved to react to oxidative stress and climatic variations. Red schisandra berries are used in our anti-frizz serum It provides the skin with antioxidants, energy and tone.


Vegetable oils are often rich in antioxidants and various vitamins.night oil brings together 14 super 100% natural plant oils to intensely nourish the skin and provide it with all the antioxidants it needs. Jojoba, avocado and even rice oils are rich in vitamin E: this vitamin is produced and used by the skin to protect itself from the sun.

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