Le guide sur les rides : comment les atténuer ?

The guide to wrinkles: how to reduce them?

Whether you want to anticipate their appearance or you are looking for solutions to reduce those already present, you are in the right place. We will explore the causes of wrinkles and our alternatives to treat them. Follow the guide.

What are wrinkles?

Wrinkles are those lines and folds that appear on the skin due to various factors, with age and sun exposure being the most common. As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and becomes more fragile. The production of natural oils decreases, making it drier and more prone to wrinkles. Additionally, facial muscles atrophy over time, which can cause the skin to sag and make wrinkles more visible.

There are two types of wrinkles: dynamic and static.

Dynamic wrinkles form when you make repeated movements, such as smiling or frowning. They tend to smooth out when your face returns to a neutral expression. Imagine folding a piece of paper over and over again: the crease will become more pronounced. Similarly, dynamic wrinkles can become deeper over time.

Static wrinkles, on the other hand, remain visible permanently, regardless of facial expressions. They appear and become more pronounced due to external factors such as the sun, smoking, or pollution. Over time, dynamic wrinkles can turn into static wrinkles, leaving persistent expression marks.

What causes wrinkles?

Here are the causes of wrinkle formation:

  • Decreased production of collagen and elastin

First, collagen is an essential structural protein that provides the skin with its strength and structure. As we age, collagen production decreases, and existing collagen fibers become more fragile. This decrease leads to a loss of firmness and elasticity in the skin, which promotes the formation of wrinkles. Elastin is another important protein that allows the skin to return to its original shape after being stretched. The decrease in skin elasticity, due to the loss of elastin, also contributes to the formation of wrinkles.

  • Repeated facial movements

Facial expressions, such as smiling, frowning, or squinting, cause repeated movements of the subcutaneous muscles. These movements can cause dynamic wrinkles to form. Over time, these dynamic wrinkles can turn into permanent wrinkles as the collagen and elastin fibers break down.

  • Alteration of the dermal structure

The skin is made up of two main layers: the epidermis (the outer layer) and the dermis (the inner layer). The dermis contains collagen and elastin fibers, as well as other components such as glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), which help maintain moisture and structure. Over time, the density and quality of these fibers decrease, and the skin becomes more susceptible to wrinkles.

  • Dehydration

Hydration plays a crucial role in skin suppleness and appearance. As we age, our sebaceous glands produce less sebum, which is a natural oil that helps keep our skin hydrated. Skin that is less hydrated is more likely to form wrinkles.

  • Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays

The sun's UV rays damage collagen and elastin fibers in the dermis. This process, called photoaging, accelerates the formation of wrinkles. UV damage can lead to the breakdown of collagen and elastin, reducing the skin's elasticity and firmness.

  • Genetic factors

Genes play a big role in how our skin ages. Some people may be genetically predisposed to developing wrinkles earlier or more deeply because of how their skin responds to environmental factors and biological processes.

  • Lifestyles and habits

Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and poor diet can also contribute to the formation of wrinkles. These factors can accelerate the breakdown of collagen and elastin fibers, reduce skin hydration and increase oxidative stress, which is damaging to skin cells.

Where do wrinkles usually form on the face?

  1. The Front

- Horizontal wrinkles: These wrinkles cross the forehead and often form due to repeated movements of the forehead muscles, such as when expressing surprise, confusion, or stress.

  1. Between the Eyebrows
  • The lion's wrinkle or glabellar wrinkle: This is the one that appears between the eyebrows. It is formed due to the contraction of the muscles responsible for frowning, often in reaction to concentration, anger, or worry.
  1. Around the Eyes

- Crow's feet: These wrinkles form on the sides of the eyes and are the result of repeated muscle movements when smiling, laughing, or blinking. They can be accentuated by sun exposure and lack of hydration.

  1. Around the Mouth

- Perioral wrinkles: These wrinkles appear around the lips and are often caused by repetitive movements such as smoking, drinking through a straw, or talking. They can also result from loss of volume and elasticity in this area.

- Smile lines: Also called nasolabial lines, they form around the corners of the mouth and can descend towards the jaw, often accentuated by the loss of volume in the cheeks.

  1. The Cheeks

- Marionette lines: These lines run from the corners of the mouth to the chin. They result from sagging facial tissues and loss of volume with age, sometimes giving a more pronounced appearance to skin folds.

How to mitigate them?

Here are our botox-like alternatives to reduce them without injections.

As we know, from the age of 25, collagen production gradually decreases, so we recommend that you include active ingredients known for their anti-aging properties in your skincare routine. More than smoothing wrinkles, they will also penetrate the dermis through cellular communication to boost cells and thus sustainably improve skin elasticity.

The botox-like effect routine, TensioLift technology:

A year ago, we launched TensioLift, the first range that reproduces the action of botox. We were interested in these active ingredients capable of reproducing the effect of botox as natural alternatives to injections, such as Spilanthes, Argireline, Zanthalene, etc.

Thanks to their myorelaxant effect, these active ingredients reduce muscle contractions by blocking nerve signals, which helps smooth out wrinkles and fine lines and improve skin firmness.

We recently launched: TensioLift Serum , an ultra-concentrated formula with 10% Argireline®. This peptide was specifically designed to inhibit the transmission of nerve signals to the muscles. And TensioLift Cream , which contains Zanthalene®, an active ingredient created from Sichuan Pepper, which scrambles the transmission between nerves and muscles in order to limit their contraction, as well as Tranexamic Acid, an ultra-technical active ingredient that fights against pigment spots and hyperpigmentation.

This 3-step routine with TensioLift Oil targets wrinkles and fine lines before they form while smoothing out those already present. These three products work in synergy for a global anti-aging and anti-spot action.

Our advice for use:

Apply to the face and décolleté in the morning, you can also add a few drops of TensioLift oil directly to your cream for optimal comfort and boosted results.

To increase its effects, our facialists have created a specific gesture that will be available in digital version after purchase. The massage allows the active ingredients to penetrate more deeply by working on specific areas: oval of the face, forehead wrinkles, lion's wrinkles, nasolabial folds, etc.

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