Que faire contre le teint terne ? Découvrez tout sur le teint terne et réveillez l'éclat de votre peau.

Origin and treatment of dull complexion

A dull complexion is a bit like the adage of autumn and winter: it can be recognized by its grayish color, the lack of radiance or more generally a heterogeneous complexion. Many causes, most of them external, are responsible for dull complexion. So what to do? We tell you everything about dull complexion, from its origins to how to find glowy skin .

Dull complexion: how do you identify it?

In front of a mirror, it is not always easy to know if your complexion is really dull. To recognize it:
- See if the light bounces off your cheekbones: if so, your skin is well hydrated and you do not have a dull complexion. If you experience this loss of radiance, it is already a first indicator of a dull complexion.
- Then look at the color of your skin: is it uniform across your entire face? If areas are grayer, you probably have a dull complexion.
- Finally, if your features are tired , heavy bags and dark circles adorn your eyes, you are already more likely to have a dull complexion.

What causes dull complexion?

Dull complexion is mainly due to oxidative stress: your body continually produces free radicals. These unstable molecules stabilize by attaching to the molecules of our skin: this action breaks the chains of molecules constituting the cells of our skin. It's oxidation!

Several external factors worsen oxidative stress:
- Tobacco smoke is rich in polluting agents and free radicals: it accelerates oxidative stress and contributes to skin fatigue.
- Pollution deposits particles on the skin which reduce its radiance. Polluting agents also accelerate oxidative stress, being rich in free radicals.
- Lack of sleep reduces the elimination of toxins and cellular regeneration of the skin, intensified during the night: fatigue largely contributes to dull complexion.
- Poor desquamation leads to an accumulation of dead cells on the surface layer of the skin: the skin loses its radiance.

How to revive a dull complexion?

To prevent dull complexion, the first step is to clean the skin well: double cleansing is the most effective method. Our makeup remover oil combines calendula and coconut to clean dead cells and pollution, responsible for dull complexion. Followed by the cleansing jelly enriched with calendula, it perfects the cleansing of all debris and prepares the skin for the following products. Pollution and dead cells are eliminated, pores are unclogged. A good base for facial radiance!

The second cause of dull complexion is a buildup of dead cells on the surface layer of the skin. To regain glowy skin , simply apply the peeling mask . Concentrated in lactic acid, an AHA , and fruit enzymes, the mask gently dissolves dead cells.

We then provide the antioxidants necessary for the skin:
- The anti-grey serum is enriched with red schisandra berries, concentrated in antioxidants and various vitamins. Facial radiance is revived and protected against free radicals, thus reducing oxidative stress. Three drops are enough for the entire face, to be applied to clean skin.
- The radiance booster is ultra concentrated in vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the most famous antioxidants, known to brighten the face, even out the complexion and stimulate collagen production. It also acts on skin spots , whether they are age spots, sun spots or post-acne hyperpigmentation. Three drops with your usual moisturizing cream are enough to see effects in around ten days.

Concerning hydration, the fluid cream hydrates the skin thanks to vitamin B5 and acerola, a fruit also rich in antioxidants. The night oil and its 14 vegetable oils seal hydration in the dermis. Thanks to the ferulic acid contained in rice oil, the night oil promotes the radiance of the complexion for supple, soft and radiant skin when you wake up.

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