Quels sont les bienfaits des AHAs pour la peau ?

A few months ago, we explained to you the difference between AHAs and BHAs , these active ingredients with sometimes difficult to understand acronyms which have invaded our bathroom, but...

Comment éviter les lèvres gercées en hiver ?
hiver peau-seche

How to avoid chapped lips in winter?

In winter, temperatures drop, humidity drops and lips dry out quickly! They become rough and tense, and may even peel and bleed. So how can...

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Le rôle des céramides dans la peau
cicatrices rides-et-ridules

The role of ceramides in the skin

Lately, more and more cosmetic products highlight ceramides. Traditionally used in anti-aging formulas, they are presented as the flagship active ingredient for dry, damaged or...

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Pourquoi choisir la routine cicatrices ?

Why choose the scar routine?

Acne, poorly treated pimples… Our skin can suffer trauma which leaves scars. We therefore wanted to create a routine to help reduce scars and smooth...

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Pourquoi choisir la routine Peau Normale ?

Why choose the Normal Skin routine?

You've hit the jackpot... Your skin is in perfect health! Hydrated, plump and radiant, you now have only one goal: to support your skin barrier....

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Pourquoi choisir la routine Fermeté ?

Why choose the Firming routine?

Skin aging, pollution, lack of hydration... There are many reasons for sagging skin. This is why we wanted to create a routine to plump up...

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Pourquoi choisir la routine Hyperpigmentation ?

Why choose the Hyperpigmentation routine?

Skin aging, consequence of acne, UV rays… The reasons for hyperpigmentation are numerous . And since we've all been there before, we wanted to create...

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Prendre soin de son contour des yeux avec le massage
hyperpigmentation manque-de-fermete rides-et-ridules

Take care of your eye area with massage

The eye area is the finest and most delicate area of ​​the face. Dark circles, bags or even crow's feet wrinkles, the eye area has...

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Les actifs skincare : que ne faut-il pas mixer ?

Skincare active ingredients: what should not be mixed?

Building the perfect beauty routine can be a real obstacle course. When we have several skin problems, it can be tempting to “pile” products on...

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Acné et peau sèche : que faire ?
cicatrices imperfections peau-grasse

Acne and dry skin: what to do?

Acne is commonly associated with oily skin, but dry skin can also experience acne. It is then more difficult to treat these imperfections since the...

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