Quels sont les bienfaits des AHAs pour la peau ?

A few months ago, we explained to you the difference between AHAs and BHAs , these active ingredients with sometimes difficult to understand acronyms which have invaded our bathroom, but...

Comment prendre soin de son cou et de son décolleté ?

How to take care of your neck and décolleté?

While they are among the first areas to reveal signs of skin aging, the neck and décolleté are often ignored in skincare rituals. However, these...

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Testés & Approuvés : Découvrez les coups de coeur de l’équipe

Tested & Approved: Discover the team's favorites

At Seasonly, skincare excellence is more than just a promise: it's our daily commitment. Indeed, passion for skincare is anchored in the very DNA of...

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Le protocole TensioLift

The TensioLift protocol

TensioLift oil: TensioLift oil is a 100% natural alternative to injections, its clean and vegan formula contains a combination of several active ingredients including Spilanthes...

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Qu'est-ce que la ride de la patte d'oie et comment l'estomper ?

What is crow's feet wrinkle and how to fade it?

The crow's feet wrinkle is a set of fine wrinkles that form on the outer corner of the eye and spread across the temple to...

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Les 5 conseils pour prendre soin de sa peau en Automne

5 tips for taking care of your skin in Autumn

With the drop in temperatures and the shortening of the days, the arrival of Autumn is felt and has an impact on the health and...

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Qu’est-ce que la ride du lion et comment l’estomper ?
rides-et-ridules tout type de peau

What are frown lines and how to fade them?

The frown line is one of the most common and visible frown lines because it is located between the eyebrows and can give the appearance...

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Quels sont les 8 signes du vieillissement cutané ?
rides-et-ridules tout type de peau

What are the 8 signs of skin aging?

Skin aging is not just the appearance of wrinkles on the face, it is a set of changes that impact the skin but also the...

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Le Botox®, qu’est-ce que c’est ?

Botox®, what is it?

In recent years, thanks to advances made in dermo-cosmetics, more and more anti-aging treatments are now applied topically (on the surface of the skin), however,...

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TensioLift : L’anti-âge naturel

TensioLift: Natural anti-aging

After months of research, TensioLift Facial Oil is now available on our website seasonly.fr and in our Skin Studios. Discover a natural anti-aging facial treatment...

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